Best Practices in Literacy Instruction

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Many tens of thousands of preservice and inservice teachers have relied on this highly regarded text from leading experts, now in a revised and updated sixth edition. The latest knowledge about literacy teaching and learning is distilled into flexible strategies for helping all PreK–12 learners succeed. The book addresses major components of literacy, the needs of specific populations, motivation, assessment, approaches to organizing instruction, and more.
Each chapter features bulleted previews of key points; reviews of the research evidence; recommendations for best practices in action, including examples from exemplary classrooms; and engagement activities that help teachers apply the knowledge and strategies they have learned. New to This Edition *Incorporates the latest research findings and instructional practices. *Chapters on new topics: developmental word study and the physiological, emotional, and behavioral foundations of literacy learning.
This authoritative text and PreK–12 teacher resource is now in a substantially revised seventh edition with 80% new material, foregrounding advances in inclusive, equitable instruction. Teachers are guided through every major component of reading, as well as assessment, motivation, teaching bilingual learners, strengthening connections with families and communities, and more. The book presents principles and strategies for teaching literature and nonfiction texts, organizing and differentiating instruction, supporting struggling readers, and promoting digital literacy.
Pedagogical features include chapter-opening bulleted previews of key points; reviews of the research evidence; recommendations for best practices in action, with examples from exemplary classrooms; and end-of-chapter engagement activities. New to This Edition *Chapter on culturally responsive teaching, plus more attention to social justice and equity throughout. *Chapter on supporting students in the “invisible middle.
- Höfundur: Hill M. Walker
- Útgáfa:7
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-05-25
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781462552269
- Print ISBN: 9781462552238
- ISBN 10: 1462552269
- Cover
- Also from the Editors
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- About the Editors
- Contributors
- Foreword
- Introduction: A Historical Look at Literacy Instruction Best Practices from Past to Present
- Contents
- Part I. Situating Best Practices: Comprehensive and Culturally Responsive Literacy Instruction
- Chapter 1: Current Issues and Best Practices in Literacy Instruction
- Chapter 2: Best Practices to Promote Social Justice and Equity in the Literacy Classroom
- Chapter 3: Best Practices for Motivating Students to Read
- Part II. Best Practices throughout the Grades
- Chapter 4: Best Practices in Early Literacy
- Chapter 5: Best Practices for Literacy in the Intermediate and Middle Grades
- Chapter 6: Best Practices for Literacy in High School
- Chapter 7: Best Practices for Integrating Children’s Literature into the Life of the Classroom
- Chapter 8: Best Practices for Organizing and Differentiating for Equitable Literacy Instruction
- Part III. Evidence-Based Practices for Literacy Teaching and Learning
- Chapter 9: Best Practices for Developing Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Word Study to Support Fluent Reading
- Chapter 10: Best Practices in Fluency Instruction
- Chapter 11: Best Practices in Vocabulary Instruction
- Chapter 12: Best Practices for Developing Comprehension across Genres
- Chapter 13: Best Practices in Teaching Writers
- Chapter 14: Best Practices in Reading Nonfiction: Understanding the Possibilities and Problems
- Chapter 15: Best Practices in Digital Literacy
- Part IV. Best Practices throughout the Grades
- Chapter 16: Best Practices to Support the Literacy Development of Bilingual Learners
- Chapter 17: Best Practices to Change the Trajectory of Students Experiencing Reading Difficulties
- Chapter 18: Best Practices to Support Achieving Yet “Invisible” Literacy Learners
- Chapter 19: Best Practices in Literacy Assessment
- Part V. Sustaining Best Practices: The Importance of Building Connections
- Chapter 20: Best Practices Linking Professional Learning, Literacy Coaching, and Equity
- Chapter 21: Best Practices for Home, School, and Community Partnerships: Collaborating for Social Justice and Equity
- Epilogue: Literacy Practicing: Repositioning Teachers as Cultural Workers and Ecopedagogues toward Creating Learning Cultures
- Afterword: Teaching Literacy in the Dystopia of Now: A Call to Action
- Index
- About Guilford Press
- Discover Related Guilford Books
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18632
- Útgáfuár : 2023
- Leyfi : 380