Becoming a Strategic Leader: Your Role in Your Organization's Enduring Success

Overview of Proposed Changes in BSL 2e Expanded treatment in Chapter 1 of the context of strategic leadership, with emphasis on changes that have occurred over the last decade: increased pace of change, greater uncertainty, global marketplace, etc. Increased emphasis on the nature of organizational culture and its implications for strategic leadership. Updating book illustrations to include deleting now-outdated examples and adding more current examples.
Examples to be added include: (1) illustrations of SL by mid or lower-level managers; (2) SL in small and mid-size organizations; (3) examples of SL in college and university settings; (4) examples of bad SL; and (5) examples of the role of SL in increasing organizational innovation through new products, processes, structures, etc. Major revision of the conceptual framework called Strategy as a Learning Process, the application of which is woven through the entire book.
Further development of content related to Leadership Strategy and culture. Revising the various self-assessments that appear in boxes throughout BSL to assure continuing alignment with lessons learned and current practice in the DSL program. Possible major revision of the chapter on strategic leadership teams. Across-the-board enhancement of the number and quality of figures, diagrams and graphics throughout the book to make them clearer and more engaging.
- Höfundur: Richard L. Hughes, Katherine M. Beatty, David Dinwoodie
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2013-12-09
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118573136
- Print ISBN: 9781118567234
- ISBN 10: 1118573137
- Becoming a Strategic Leader: Your Role in Your Organization’s Enduring Success
- Copyright
- Contents
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- About the Authors
- Introduction
- The Changing Nature of Strategic Leadership
- The Contents of This Book
- The Audience for This Book
- Chapter 1: What Is Strategic Leadership?
- The Definition and Focus of Strategic Leadership
- IBM: A Strategy Story
- Digital Equipment Corporation: A Strategy Story
- What Makes Strategic Leadership Different?
- Scope
- Duration
- Organizational Change
- Who Should Be Strategic?
- What Do Effective Strategy Makers Do?
- Strategy Is a Learning Process
- Assess Internal and External Environment
- Clarify Mission, Vision, and Values
- Discover and Prioritize Drivers
- Create Business Strategy
- Develop Leadership Strategy
- Execute, Perform, and Learn
- How Are Leaders “Strategic”?
- Direction, Alignment, and Commitment
- Key Leadership Challenges
- Individual Skill Sets
- What Lies Ahead
- The Definition and Focus of Strategic Leadership
- Chapter 2: Strategic Thinking
- The Mindset of Strategic Thinking
- Strategic Thinking Is a Collective Process
- Strategic Thinking Is About the Present, Not Just the Future
- Strategic Thinking Has an Artful Side as Well as a Rigorous and Analytical Side
- Developing Your Strategic Thinking
- Scanning
- Visioning
- Reframing
- Making Common Sense
- Systems Thinking
- How Strategic Thinking Relates to Acting and Influencing
- The Mindset of Strategic Thinking
- Chapter 3: Strategic Acting
- The Mind-Set for Strategic Acting
- Only Some Actions Are Strategic
- Strategic Acting Is Both Short Term and Long Term
- Strategic Acting Is an Opportunity for Learning
- Strategic Decisions Always Involve Uncertainty
- Strategic Acting Competencies
- Act Decisively in the Face of Uncertainty
- Foster Agility
- Create Alignment by Setting Clear Strategic Priorities
- How Strategic Acting Relates to Thinking and Influencing
- The Mind-Set for Strategic Acting
- Chapter 4: Strategic Influence
- Influence That Is Strategic in Nature
- The Mind-Set of Strategic Influence
- Strategic Influence Requires More Than Persuasion
- Strategic Influence Is Far Reaching
- It’s as Important to Be Open to Influence as It Is to Influence Others
- Strategic Influence Starts with a Hard Look at Yourself
- Developing Your Strategic Influence Capability
- Building Trust
- Managing the Political Landscape
- Spanning Boundaries
- Involving Others
- Connecting at an Emotional Level
- Building and Sustaining Momentum
- Connecting Influencing to Thinking and Acting
- Chapter 5: Strategic Leadership Teams
- The Definition and Role of Strategic Leadership Teams
- SLTs Exist Throughout the Organization
- The Top Management Team as an SLT
- Why SLTs Struggle
- Making Strategy a Learning Process in SLTs
- Assessing Internal and External Environments
- SLT Mission, Vision, and Values
- Strategic Drivers and Business Strategy
- Leadership Strategy
- Performing
- How the Harlequin Leadership Team Made Strategy a Learning Process
- Assessing the Competitive Environment
- Organizational Identity and Aspirations
- Business and Leadership Strategy
- Performing
- Setting a Solid Foundation for SLT Effectiveness: A Case Study
- Foundational Principle 1: Ensure There Is Shared Understanding About an SLT’s Purpose
- Foundational Principle 2: SLT Members Must Translate Organizational Strategy into Specific Team Tact
- Foundational Principle 3: SLTs Should Make Strategy a Learning Process
- Foundational Principle 4: Senior Organizational Leaders Must Credibly Demonstrate Their Commitment t
- Developing Your Own Strategic Leadership Team
- The Definition and Role of Strategic Leadership Teams
- Chapter 6: Leadership Strategies for Superior Performance
- Unleashing Performance Potential
- Bridging the Strategy/Performance Gap
- The Desire to Perform
- The Conditions to Perform
- The Culture to Perform
- Leadership Strategies of Superior-Performing Organizations
- Element 1: Leadership Drivers of Business Strategy
- Element 2: Leadership Culture
- Element 3: Talent Systems
- Element 4: Organizational Design
- The Leadership Strategy Plan
- Some Final Thoughts
- Unleashing Performance Potential
- Chapter 7: Developing Strategic Leadership
- An Illustration
- Developing Leaders and Leadership at Credicorp
- The Impact of Leadership Development at Credicorp
- Developing Strategic Leaders
- Strengthening Your Ability to Think, Act, and Influence Strategically
- Developing Individual Strategic Leadership Competencies
- Developing Collective Strategic Leadership Capability
- Use the SLM to Frame Strategic Conversations
- Dialogue About the Future State
- Action Learning
- Closing Words
- An Illustration
- Appendix A: Strategic Driver Paired-Voting Form
- Appendix B: STRAT: Strategic Team Review and Action Tool
- Appendix C: Using STRAT to Develop Your Strategic Leadership Team
- Step 1: Prepare the Team, and Distribute STRAT
- Step 2: Score STRAT
- Step 3: Debrief STRAT
- General Tips for Debriefing STRAT with Your SLT
- Possible Flow of a STRAT Debriefing Meeting
- Executive Summary
- The Leadership Strategy Process
- Leadership Strategy Discovery
- Leadership Strategy Recommendations
- Leadership Strategy Implementation and Evolution
- Appendixes
- Capabilities
- Open-Enrollment Programs
- Customized Programs
- Coaching
- Assessment and Development Resources
- Publications
- Leadership Community
- Research
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11440
- Útgáfuár : 2014
- Leyfi : 379