Becoming a Conflict Competent Leader: How You and Your Organization Can Manage Conflict Effectively
4.090 kr.

The Second Edition of this classic resource on conflict resolution combines research, conceptual models, practitioner experience, and stories that highlight the core conflict competencies. The book underscores the importance for leaders to develop the critical skills they need to help them, their colleagues, and their organizations deal more effectively with conflict and move their organizations forward.
- Höfundar: Craig E. Runde, Tim A. Flanagan
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2012-11-27
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781118417225
- Print ISBN: 9781118370421
- ISBN 10: 1118417224
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Preface to the Second Edition
- 1 The What and Why of Conflict Competent Leaders
- Individual Conflict Competence
- Team and Organizational Conflict Competence
- Why Conflict Competent Leaders Are Needed
- Summary
- 2 Understanding the Dynamics of Conflict and Your Responses to It
- What Is Conflict?
- The Nature of Conflict
- Retaliatory Cycles
- Roles and Outcomes
- Responses to Conflict
- Summary
- 3 Cool Down
- The Origin and Nature of Conflict Emotions
- Regulating Emotions
- Managing Others
- Summary
- 4 Slow Down and Reflect
- Reflecting on Your Own Experience
- Reflecting on Others’ Experiences of Conflict
- Looking at the Bigger Picture
- Moving Ahead
- Reflection in Action
- Summary
- 5 Preventing Destructive Responses to Conflict
- Intensity Levels
- Destructive Behaviors
- Summary
- 6 Fostering Constructive Responses to Conflict
- Weathering the Storm of Conflict
- Constructive Behaviors
- Summary
- 7 Developing and Leading Conflict Competent Teams
- Establishing the Right Climate
- Engaging in Constructive Communication
- Getting and Staying on Track
- A Note About Virtual and Global Teams
- Summary
- 8 Creating Conflict Competent Organizations
- Benefits of Organizational Conflict Competence
- Paths to Conflict Competence
- Characteristics and Components of an Integrated Conflict Management System
- Creating an ICMS for Your Organization
- Leader Roles in Building Organizational Conflict Competence
- Summary
- Epilogue
- Resources
- The Becoming Conflict Competent Course
- Books
- Programs
- Organizational Conflict Management System Design Resource
- References
- The Authors
- Index
- About the Center for Creative Leadership
- End User License Agreement
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 12482
- Útgáfuár : 2012
- Leyfi : 379