Master the fundamentals first for a smoother ride through math Basic Math & Pre-Algebra Workbook For Dummies is your ticket to finally getting a handle on math! Designed to help you strengthen your weak spots and pinpoint problem areas, this book provides hundreds of practice problems to help you get over the hump. Each section includes a brief review of key concepts and full explanations for every practice problem, so you'll always know exactly where you went wrong.
The companion website gives you access to quizzes for each chapter, so you can test your understanding and identify your sticking points before moving on to the next topic. You'll brush up on the rules of basic operations, and then learn what to do when the numbers just won't behave—negative numbers, inequalities, algebraic expressions, scientific notation, and other tricky situations will become second nature as you refresh what you know and learn what you missed.
Each math class you take builds on the ones that came before; if you got lost somewhere around fractions, you'll have a difficult time keeping up in Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus—so don't fall behind! This book provides plenty of practice and patient guidance to help you slay the math monster once and for all. Make sense of fractions, decimals, and percentages Learn how to handle inequalities, exponents, square roots, and absolute values Simplify expressions and solve simple algebraic equations Find your way around a triangle, circle, trapezoid, and more Once you get comfortable with the rules and operations, math takes on a whole new dimension.
- Höfundur: Mark Zegarelli
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2017-03-20
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119357520
- Print ISBN: 9781119357513
- ISBN 10: 1119357527
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Getting Started with Basic Math and Pre-Algebra
- Chapter 1: We’ve Got Your Numbers
- Getting in Place with Numbers and Digits
- Rollover: Rounding Numbers Up and Down
- Using the Number Line with the Big Four
- The Column Lineup: Adding and Subtracting
- Multiplying Multiple Digits
- Cycling through Long Division
- Solutions to We’ve Got Your Numbers
- Chapter 2: Smooth Operators: Working with the Big Four Operations
- Switching Things Up with Inverse Operations and the Commutative Property
- Getting with the In-Group: Parentheses and the Associative Property
- Becoming Unbalanced: Inequalities
- Special Times: Powers and Square Roots
- Answers to Problems in Smooth Operators
- Chapter 3: Getting Down with Negative Numbers
- Understanding Where Negative Numbers Come From
- Sign-Switching: Understanding Negation and Absolute Value
- Adding with Negative Numbers
- Subtracting with Negative Numbers
- Knowing Signs of the Times (And Division) for Negative Numbers
- Answers to Problems in Getting Down with Negative Numbers
- Chapter 4: It’s Just an Expression
- Evaluating Expressions with Addition and Subtraction
- Evaluating Expressions with Multiplication and Division
- Making Sense of Mixed-Operator Expressions
- Handling Powers Responsibly
- Prioritizing Parentheses
- Pulling Apart Parentheses and Powers
- Figuring Out Nested Parentheses
- Bringing It All Together: The Order of Operations
- Solutions to It’s Just an Expression
- Chapter 5: Dividing Attention: Divisibility, Factors, and Multiples
- Checking for Leftovers: Divisibility Tests
- Understanding Factors and Multiples
- One Number, Indivisible: Identifying Prime (And Composite) Numbers
- Generating a Number’s Factors
- Decomposing a Number into Its Prime Factors
- Finding the Greatest Common Factor
- Generating the Multiples of a Number
- Finding the Least Common Multiple
- Solutions to Divisibility, Factors, and Multiples
- Chapter 1: We’ve Got Your Numbers
- Chapter 6: Fractions Are a Piece of Cake
- Getting Down the Basic Fraction Stuff
- In Mixed Company: Converting between Mixed Numbers and Improper Fractions
- Increasing and Reducing the Terms of Fractions
- Comparing Fractions with Cross-Multiplication
- Working with Ratios and Proportions
- Solutions to Fractions Are a Piece of Cake
- Chapter 7: Fractions and the Big Four
- Multiplying Fractions: A Straight Shot
- Flipping for Fraction Division
- Reaching the Common Denominator: Adding Fractions
- The Other Common Denominator: Subtracting Fractions
- Multiplying and Dividing Mixed Numbers
- Carried Away: Adding Mixed Numbers
- Borrowing from the Whole: Subtracting Mixed Numbers
- Solutions to Fractions and the Big Four
- Chapter 8: Getting to the Point with Decimals
- Getting in Place: Basic Decimal Stuff
- Simple Decimal-Fraction Conversions
- New Lineup: Adding and Subtracting Decimals
- Counting Decimal Places: Multiplying Decimals
- Points on the Move: Dividing Decimals
- Decimals to Fractions
- Fractions to Decimals
- Solutions to Getting to the Point with Decimals
- Chapter 9: Playing the Percentages
- Converting Percents to Decimals
- Changing Decimals to Percents
- Switching from Percents to Fractions
- Converting Fractions to Percents
- Solving a Variety of Percent Problems Using Word Equations
- Solutions to Playing the Percentages
- Chapter 10: Seeking a Higher Power through Scientific Notation
- On the Count of Zero: Understanding Powers of Ten
- Exponential Arithmetic: Multiplying and Dividing Powers of Ten
- Representing Numbers in Scientific Notation
- Multiplying and Dividing with Scientific Notation
- Answers to Problems in Seeking a Higher Power through Scientific Notation
- Chapter 11: Weighty Questions on Weights and Measures
- The Basics of the English System
- Going International with the Metric System
- Converting Between English and Metric Units
- Answers to Problems in Weighty Questions on Weights and Measures
- Chapter 12: Shaping Up with Geometry
- Getting in Shape: Polygon (And Non-Polygon) Basics
- Squaring Off with Quadrilaterals
- Making a Triple Play with Triangles
- Getting Around with Circle Measurements
- Building Solid Measurement Skills
- Answers to Problems in Shaping Up with Geometry
- Chapter 13: Getting Graphic: Xy-Graphs
- Getting the Point of the Xy-Graph
- Drawing the Line on the Xy-Graph
- Answers to Problems in Getting Graphic: Xy-Graphs
- Chapter 14: Expressing Yourself with Algebraic Expressions
- Plug It In: Evaluating Algebraic Expressions
- Knowing the Terms of Separation
- Adding and Subtracting Like Terms
- Multiplying and Dividing Terms
- Simplifying Expressions by Combining Like Terms
- Simplifying Expressions with Parentheses
- FOILing: Dealing with Two Sets of Parentheses
- Answers to Problems in Expressing Yourself with Algebraic Expressions
- Chapter 15: Finding the Right Balance: Solving Algebraic Equations
- Solving Simple Algebraic Equations
- Equality for All: Using the Balance Scale to Isolate x
- Switching Sides: Rearranging Equations to Isolate x
- Barring Fractions: Cross-Multiplying to Simplify Equations
- Answers to Problems in Finding the Right Balance: Solving Algebraic Equations
- Chapter 16: Ten Alternative Numeral and Number Systems
- Tally Marks
- Bundled Tally Marks
- Egyptian Numerals
- Babylonian Numerals
- Ancient Greek Numerals
- Roman Numerals
- Mayan Numerals
- Base-2 (Binary) Numbers
- Base-16 (Hexadecimal) Numbers
- Prime-Based Numbers
- Chapter 17: Ten Curious Types of Numbers
- Square Numbers
- Triangular Numbers
- Cubic Numbers
- Factorial Numbers
- Powers of Two
- Perfect Numbers
- Amicable Numbers
- Prime Numbers
- Mersenne Primes
- Fermat Primes
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10639
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380