Part of The Geological Field Guide Series , Basic Geological Mapping , 5 th Edition is an essential basic guide to field techniques in mapping geology. Now completely revised and updated the book retains the concise clarity which has made it an indispensable instant reference in its previous editions. It provides the reader with all the necessary practical information and techniques that they will need while carrying out work in the field, covering a wide spectrum of different conditions, needs and types of countries.
- Höfundar: Richard J. Lisle, Peter Brabham, John W. Barnes
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 2011-09-07
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119977513
- Print ISBN: 9780470686348
- ISBN 10: 1119977517
- Cover
- The Geological Field Guide Series
- Title
- Copyright
- Preface to The Fourth Edition
- Preface to The Fifth Edition
- Chapter 1: Introduction
- 1.1 Outline and Approach
- 1.2 Safety
- 1.3 Field Behaviour
- 1.4 A Few Words of Comfort
- Chapter 2: Field Equipment
- 2.1 Hammers and Chisels
- 2.2 Compasses and Clinometers
- 2.3 Hand Lenses
- 2.4 Tapes
- 2.5 Map Cases
- 2.6 Field Notebooks
- 2.7 Scales
- 2.8 Protractors
- 2.9 Pencils, Erasers and Mapping Pens
- 2.10 Acid Bottles
- 2.11 Global Positioning System (GPS) and Mobile Phones
- 2.12 Other Instruments
- 2.13 Field Clothing
- Chapter 3: Topographic Base Maps
- 3.1 Types of Geological Map
- 3.2 Topographic Base Maps
- 3.3 Geographic Coordinates and Metric Grids
- 3.4 Grid Magnetic Angle
- 3.5 Position Finding on Maps
- 3.6 Use of Air Photography as a Mapping Tool
- 3.7 Suitability of Images for Geological Mapping
- Chapter 4: Methods of Geological Mapping
- 4.1 Strategy for the Mapping Programme
- 4.2 Mapping by Following Contacts
- 4.3 Traversing
- 4.4 Exposure Mapping
- 4.5 Mapping in Poorly Exposed Regions
- 4.6 Superficial Deposits
- 4.7 Drilling
- 4.8 Geophysical Aids to Mapping
- 4.9 Large-Scale Maps of Limited Areas
- 4.10 Underground Mapping
- 4.11 Photogeology
- Chapter 5: Technological Aids to Mapping
- 5.1 Digital Terrain Models
- 5.2 Topographic Surveying Techniques
- Chapter 6: Field Measurements and Techniques
- 6.1 Measuring Strike and Dip of Planar Structures
- 6.2 Plotting Strike and Dip
- 6.3 Recording Strike and Dip
- 6.4 Measuring Linear Features
- 6.5 Folds
- 6.6 Faults
- 6.7 Thrusts
- 6.8 Joints
- 6.9 Unconformities
- 6.10 Map Symbols
- 6.11 Specimen Collecting
- 6.12 Field Photography
- 6.13 Panning
- Chapter 7: Mappable Rock Units and Lithology
- 7.1 Lithostratigraphy and Sedimentary Rocks
- 7.2 Sedimentary Formations
- 7.3 Rock Descriptions
- 7.4 Identifying and Naming Rocks in the Field
- 7.5 Fossils
- 7.6 Phaneritic Igneous Rocks
- 7.7 Aphanitic Igneous Rocks
- 7.8 Veins and Pegmatites
- 7.9 Igneous Rocks in General
- 7.10 Pyroclastic Rocks
- 7.11 Metamorphic Rocks
- 7.12 Economic Geology
- Chapter 8: Field Maps and Field Notebooks
- 8.1 Field Maps
- 8.2 Field Notebooks
- Chapter 9: Fair Copy Maps and Other Illustrations
- 9.1 Fair Copy Maps
- 9.2 Transferring Topography
- 9.3 Transferring Geology
- 9.4 Lettering and Symbols
- 9.5 Formation Letters
- 9.6 Layout
- 9.7 Colouring
- 9.8 Stratigraphic Column
- 9.9 Overlays
- 9.10 Computer Drafting of the Fair Copy Map
- Chapter 10: Cross-Sections and 3D Illustrations
- 10.1 Cross-Sections
- 10.2 Method of Apparent Dips
- 10.3 Down-Plunge Projection Method
- 10.4 Balanced Cross-Sections
- 10.5 Columnar Sections
- 10.6 Block Diagrams
- 10.7 Models
- Chapter 11: Geological Reports
- 11.1 Preparation
- 11.2 Revising and Editing
- 11.3 Layout
- 11.4 The ‘Introduction’
- 11.5 Main Body of the Report
- 11.6 The ‘Conclusions’ Section
- 11.7 Text Illustrations
- 11.8 References
- 11.9 Appendices
- 11.10 Some Final Thoughts
- Appendix A: Adjustment of a Closed Compass Traverse
- Appendix B: Field Equipment Checklist
- Appendix C: Indicators of Stratigraphical Way-Up
- Appendix D: Useful Chart and Tables
- References
- Index
- Selected Map Symbols
- Colour Plates
- End User License Agreement
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8448
- Útgáfuár : 2011
- Leyfi : 379