The exceptional quality of previous editions has been built upon to make the twelfth edition of Atkins' Physical Chemistry even more closely suited to the needs of both lecturers and students. The writing style has been refreshed in collaboration with current students of physical chemistry in order to retain the clarity for which the book is recognised while mirroring the way you read and engage with information.
The new edition is now available as an enhanced e-book, which offers you a richer, more dynamic learning experience. It does this by incorporating digital enhancements that are carefully curated and thoughtfully inserted at meaningful points to enhance the learning experience. In addition, it offers formative auto-graded assessment materials to provide you with regular opportunities to test their understanding.
Digital enhancements introduced for the new edition include dynamic graphs, which you can interact with to explore how the manipulation of variables affects the results of the graphs; self-check questions at the end of every Topic; video content from physical chemists; and video tutorials to accompany each Focus, which dig deeper into the key equations introduced. There is also a new foundational prologue entitled 'Energy: A First Look', which summarizes key concepts that are best kept in mind right from the beginning of your physical chemistry studies.
- Höfundar: Peter Atkins, Julio de Paula, James Keeler
- Útgáfa:12
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-03-15
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780192608772
- Print ISBN: 9780198847816
- ISBN 10: 0192608770
- Cover Page
- Frontispiece
- Periodic Table of the Elements
- Fundamental Constants
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Preface
- Using the Book
- To the Student
- Innovative structure
- Resource section
- Checklist of concepts
- Physical chemistry: people and perspectives
- Presenting the Mathematics
- How is that done?
- The chemist’s toolkits
- Annotated equations and equation labels
- Checklists of equations
- Video tutorials on key equations
- Living graphs
- Setting Up and Solving Problems
- Brief illustrations
- Examples
- Self-check questions
- Discussion questions
- Exercises and problems
- Integrated activities
- Taking Your Learning Further
- ‘Impact’ sections
- A deeper look
- Group theory tables
- To the Instructor
- Figures and tables from the book
- Key equations
- Solutions to exercises, problems, and integrated activities
- To the Student
- 1 Force
- (a) Linear momentum
- (b) Angular momentum
- (c) Newton’s second law of motion
- 2 Energy
- (a) Work
- (b) The definition of energy
- 3 Temperature
- (a) The Boltzmann distribution
- (b) The equipartition theorem
- Topic 1A The perfect gas
- 1A.1 Variables of state
- 1A.1(a) Pressure and volume
- 1A.1(b) Temperature
- 1A.1(c) Amount
- 1A.1(d) Intensive and extensive properties
- 1A.2 Equations of state
- 1A.2(a) The empirical basis of the perfect gas law
- 1A.2(b) The value of the gas constant
- 1A.2(c) Mixtures of gases
- 1A.1 Variables of state
- 1B.1 The model
- 1B.1(a) Pressure and molecular speeds
- 1B.1(b) The Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution of speeds
- 1B.1(c) Mean values
- 1B.2 Collisions
- 1B.2(a) The collision frequency
- 1B.2(b) The mean free path
- 1C.1 Deviations from perfect behaviour
- 1C.1(a) The compression factor
- 1C.1(b) Virial coefficients
- 1C.1(c) Critical constants
- 1C.2 The van der Waals equation
- 1C.2(a) Formulation of the equation
- 1C.2(b) The features of the equation
- 1C.2(c) The principle of corresponding states
- Topic 1A The perfect gas
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 1B The kinetic model
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 1C Real gases
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 1 The properties of gases
- Integrated activities
- Topic 2A Internal energy
- 2A.1 Work, heat, and energy
- 2A.1(a) Definitions
- 2A.1(b) The molecular interpretation of heat and work
- 2A.2 The definition of internal energy
- 2A.2(a) Molecular interpretation of internal energy
- 2A.2(b) The formulation of the First Law
- 2A.3 Expansion work
- 2A.3(a) The general expression for work
- 2A.3(b) Expansion against constant pressure
- 2A.3(c) Reversible expansion
- 2A.3(d) Isothermal reversible expansion of a perfect gas
- 2A.4 Heat transactions
- 2A.4(a) Calorimetry
- 2A.4(b) Heat capacity
- 2A.1 Work, heat, and energy
- 2B.1 The definition of enthalpy
- 2B.1(a) Enthalpy change and heat transfer
- 2B.1(b) Calorimetry
- 2B.2 The variation of enthalpy with temperature
- 2B.2(a) Heat capacity at constant pressure
- 2B.2(b) The relation between heat capacities
- 2C.1 Standard enthalpy changes
- 2C.1(a) Enthalpies of physical change
- 2C.1(b) Enthalpies of chemical change
- 2C.1(c) Hess’s law
- 2C.2 Standard enthalpies of formation
- 2C.3 The temperature dependence of reaction enthalpies
- 2C.4 Experimental techniques
- 2C.4(a) Differential scanning calorimetry
- 2C.4(b) Isothermal titration calorimetry
- 2D.1 Exact and inexact differentials
- 2D.2 Changes in internal energy
- 2D.2(a) General considerations
- 2D.2(b) Changes in internal energy at constant pressure
- 2D.3 Changes in enthalpy
- 2D.4 The Joule–Thomson effect
- 2E.1 The change in temperature
- 2E.2 The change in pressure
- Topic 2A Internal energy
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 2B Enthalpy
- Discussion questions
- Additional Exercises
- Problems
- Topic 2C Thermochemistry
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 2D State functions and exact differentials
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 2E Adiabatic changes
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 2 The First Law
- Integrated activities
- Topic 3A Entropy
- 3A.1 The Second Law
- 3A.2 The definition of entropy
- 3A.2(a) The thermodynamic definition of entropy
- 3A.2(b) The statistical definition of entropy
- 3A.3 The entropy as a state function
- 3A.3(a) The Carnot cycle
- 3A.3(b) The thermodynamic temperature
- 3A.3(c) The Clausius inequality
- 3B.1 Expansion
- 3B.2 Phase transitions
- 3B.3 Heating
- 3B.4 Composite processes
- 3C.1 The calorimetric measurement of entropy
- 3C.2 The Third Law
- 3C.2(a) The Nernst heat theorem
- 3C.2(b) Third-Law entropies
- 3C.2(c) The temperature dependence of reaction entropy
- 3D.1 The Helmholtz and Gibbs energies
- 3D.1(a) Criteria of spontaneity
- 3D.1(b) Some remarks on the Helmholtz energy
- 3D.1(c) Maximum work
- 3D.1(d) Some remarks on the Gibbs energy
- 3D.1(e) Maximum non-expansion work
- 3D.2 Standard molar Gibbs energies
- 3D.2(a) Gibbs energies of formation
- 3D.2(b) The Born equation
- 3E.1 Properties of the internal energy
- 3E.1(a) The Maxwell relations
- 3E.1(b) The variation of internal energy with volume
- 3E.2 Properties of the Gibbs energy
- 3E.2(a) General considerations
- 3E.2(b) The variation of the Gibbs energy with temperature
- 3E.2(c) The variation of the Gibbs energy of condensed phases with pressure
- 3E.2(d) The variation of the Gibbs energy of gases with pressure
- Topic 3A Entropy
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 3B Entropy changes accompanying specific processes
- Discussion question
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 3C The measurement of entropy
- Discussion question
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 3D Concentrating on the system
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 3E Combining the First and Second Laws
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 3 The Second and Third Laws
- Integrated activities
- Topic 4A Phase diagrams of pure substances
- 4A.1 The stabilities of phases
- 4A.1(a) The number of phases
- 4A.1(b) Phase transitions
- 4A.1(c) Thermodynamic criteria of phase stability
- 4A.2 Coexistence curves
- 4A.2(a) Characteristic properties related to phase transitions
- 4A.2(b) The phase rule
- Step 1 Consider the case where only one component is present
- Step 2 Consider the general case of any number of components, C
- 4A.3 Three representative phase diagrams
- 4A.3(a) Carbon dioxide
- 4A.3(b) Water
- 4A.3(c) Helium
- 4A.1 The stabilities of phases
- 4B.1 The dependence of stability on the conditions
- 4B.1(a) The temperature dependence of phase stability
- 4B.1(b) The response of melting to applied pressure
- 4B.1(c) The vapour pressure of a liquid subjected to pressure
- 4B.2 The location of coexistence curves
- 4B.2(a) The slopes of the coexistence curves
- 4B.2(b) The solid–liquid coexistence curve
- 4B.2(c) The liquid–vapour coexistence curve
- 4B.2(d) The solid–vapour coexistence curve
- Topic 4A Phase diagrams of pure substances
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 4B Thermodynamic aspects of phase transitions
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 4 Physical transformations of pure substances
- Integrated activities
- Topic 5A The thermodynamic description of mixtures
- 5A.1 Partial molar quantities
- 5A.1(a) Partial molar volume
- 5A.1(b) Partial molar Gibbs energies
- 5A.1(c) The Gibbs–Duhem equation
- 5A.2 The thermodynamics of mixing
- 5A.2(a) The Gibbs energy of mixing of perfect gases
- 5A.2(b) Other thermodynamic mixing functions
- 5A.3 The chemical potentials of liquids
- 5A.3(a) Ideal solutions
- 5A.3(b) Ideal–dilute solutions
- 5A.1 Partial molar quantities
- 5B.1 Liquid mixtures
- 5B.1(a) Ideal solutions
- 5B.1(b) Excess functions and regular solutions
- 5B.2 Colligative properties
- 5B.2(a) The common features of colligative properties
- 5B.2(b) The elevation of boiling point
- 5B.2(c) The depression of freezing point
- 5B.2(d) Solubility
- 5B.2(e) Osmosis
- 5C.1 Vapour pressure diagrams
- 5C.2 Temperature–composition diagrams
- 5C.2(a) The construction of the diagrams
- 5C.2(b) The interpretation of the diagrams
- 5C.3 Distillation
- 5C.3(a) Fractional distillation
- 5C.3(b) Azeotropes
- 5C.3(c) Immiscible liquids
- 5C.4 Liquid–liquid phase diagrams
- 5C.4(a) Phase separation
- 5C.4(b) Critical solution temperatures
- 5C.4(c) The distillation of partially miscible liquids
- 5D.1 Eutectics
- 5D.2 Reacting systems
- 5D.3 Incongruent melting
- 5E.1 Triangular phase diagrams
- 5E.2 Ternary systems
- 5E.2(a) Partially miscible liquids
- 5E.2(b) Ternary solids
- 5F.1 The solvent activity
- 5F.2 The solute activity
- 5F.2(a) Ideal–dilute solutions
- 5F.2(b) Real solutes
- 5F.2(c) Activities in terms of molalities
- 5F.3 The activities of regular solutions
- 5F.4 The activities of ions
- 5F.4(a) Mean activity coefficients
- 5F.4(b) The Debye–Hückel limiting law
- 5F.4(c) Extensions of the limiting law
- Topic 5A The thermodynamic description of mixtures
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 5B The properties of solutions
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 5C Phase diagrams of binary systems: liquids
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 5D Phase diagrams of binary systems: solids
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 5E Phase diagrams of ternary systems
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 5F Activities
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 5 Simple mixtures
- Integrated activities
- Topic 6A The equilibrium constant
- 6A.1 The Gibbs energy minimum
- 6A.1(a) The reaction Gibbs energy
- 6A.1(b) Exergonic and endergonic reactions
- 6A.2 The description of equilibrium
- 6A.2(a) Perfect gas equilibria
- 6A.2(b) The general case of a reaction
- 6A.2(c) The relation between equilibrium constants
- 6A.2(d) Molecular interpretation of the equilibrium constant
- 6A.1 The Gibbs energy minimum
- 6B.1 The response to pressure
- 6B.2 The response to temperature
- 6B.2(a) The van ’t Hoff equation
- 6B.2(b) The value of K at different temperatures
- 6C.1 Half-reactions and electrodes
- 6C.2 Varieties of cell
- 6C.2(a) Liquid junction potentials
- 6C.2(b) Notation
- 6C.3 The cell potential
- 6C.3(a) The Nernst equation
- 6C.3(b) Cells at equilibrium
- 6C.4 The determination of thermodynamic functions
- 6D.1 Standard potentials
- 6D.1(a) The measurement procedure
- 6D.1(b) Combining measured values
- 6D.2 Applications of standard electrode potentials
- 6D.2(a) The electrochemical series
- 6D.2(b) The determination of activity coefficients
- 6D.2(c) The determination of equilibrium constants
- Topic 6A The equilibrium constant
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 6B The response of equilibria to the conditions
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 6C Electrochemical cells
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 6D Electrode potentials
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 6 Chemical equilibrium
- Integrated activities
- Topic 7A The origins of quantum mechanics
- 7A.1 Energy quantization
- 7A.1(a) Black-body radiation
- 7A.1(b) Heat capacity
- 7A.1(c) Atomic and molecular spectra
- 7A.2 Wave–particle duality
- 7A.2(a) The particle character of electromagnetic radiation
- 7A.2(b) The wave character of particles
- 7A.1 Energy quantization
- 7B.1 The Schrödinger equation
- 7B.2 The Born interpretation
- 7B.2(a) Normalization
- 7B.2(b) Constraints on the wavefunction
- 7B.2(c) Quantization
- 7C.1 Operators
- 7C.1(a) Eigenvalue equations
- 7C.1(b) The construction of operators
- 7C.1(c) Hermitian operators
- 7C.1(d) Orthogonality
- 7C.2 Superpositions and expectation values
- 7C.3 The uncertainty principle
- 7C.4 The postulates of quantum mechanics
- 7D.1 Free motion in one dimension
- 7D.2 Confined motion in one dimension
- 7D.2(a) The acceptable solutions
- 7D.2(b) The properties of the wavefunctions
- 7D.2(c) The properties of the energy
- 7D.3 Confined motion in two and more dimensions
- 7D.3(a) Energy levels and wavefunctions
- 7D.3(b) Degeneracy
- 7D.4 Tunnelling
- 7E.1 The harmonic oscillator
- 7E.1(a) The energy levels
- 7E.1(b) The wavefunctions
- 7E.2 Properties of the harmonic oscillator
- 7E.2(a) Mean values
- 7E.2(b) Tunnelling
- 7E.2(a) Mean values
- 7F.1 Rotation in two dimensions
- 7F.1(a) The solutions of the Schrödinger equation
- 7F.1(b) Quantization of angular momentum
- 7F.2 Rotation in three dimensions
- 7F.2(a) The wavefunctions and energy levels
- 7F.2(b) Angular momentum
- 7F.2(c) The vector model
- 7F.2(a) The wavefunctions and energy levels
- Topic 7A The origins of quantum mechanics
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 7B Wavefunctions
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 7C Operators and observables
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 7D Translational motion
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 7E Vibrational motion
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 7F Rotational motion
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 7 Quantum theory
- Integrated activities
- Topic 8A Hydrogenic atoms
- 8A.1 The structure of hydrogenic atoms
- 8A.1(a) The separation of variables
- 8A.1(b) The radial solutions
- 8A.2 Atomic orbitals and their energies
- 8A.2(a) The specification of orbitals
- 8A.2(b) The energy levels
- 8A.2(c) Ionization energies
- 8A.2(d) Shells and subshells
- 8A.2(e) s Orbitals
- 8A.2(f) Radial distribution functions
- 8A.2(g) p Orbitals
- 8A.2(h) d Orbitals
- 8A.1 The structure of hydrogenic atoms
- 8B.1 The orbital approximation
- 8B.2 The Pauli exclusion principle
- 8B.2(a) Spin
- 8B.2(b) The Pauli principle
- 8B.3 The building-up principle
- 8B.3(a) Penetration and shielding
- 8B.3(b) Hund’s rules
- 8B.3(c) Atomic and ionic radii
- 8B.3(d) Ionization energies and electron affinities
- 8B.4 Self-consistent field orbitals
- 8C.1 The spectra of hydrogenic atoms
- 8C.2 The spectra of many-electron atoms
- 8C.2(a) Singlet and triplet terms
- 8C.2(b) Spin–orbit coupling
- 8C.2(c) Term symbols
- 8C.2(d) Hund’s rules and term symbols
- 8C.2(e) Selection rules
- Topic 8A Hydrogenic atoms
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 8B Many-electron atoms
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 8C Atomic spectra
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 8 Atomic structure and spectra
- Integrated activities
- Topic 9A Valence-bond theory
- 9A.1 Diatomic molecules
- 9A.2 Resonance
- 9A.3 Polyatomic molecules
- 9A.3(a) Promotion
- 9A.3(b) Hybridization
- 9B.1 Linear combinations of atomic orbitals
- 9B.1(a) The construction of linear combinations
- 9B.1(b) Bonding orbitals
- 9B.1(c) Antibonding orbitals
- 9B.2 Orbital notation
- 9C.1 Electron configurations
- 9C.1(a) MO energy level diagrams
- 9C.1(b) σ Orbitals and π orbitals
- 9C.1(c) The overlap integral
- 9C.1(d) Period 2 diatomic molecules
- 9C.2 Photoelectron spectroscopy
- 9D.1 Polar bonds and electronegativity
- 9D.2 The variation principle
- 9D.2(a) The procedure
- 9D.2(b) The features of the solutions
- 9E.1 The Hückel approximation
- 9E.1(a) An introduction to the method
- 9E.1(b) The matrix formulation of the method
- 9E.2 Applications
- 9E.2(a) π-Electron binding energy
- 9E.2(b) Aromatic stability
- 9E.3 Computational chemistry
- 9E.3(a) Basis functions and basis sets
- 9E.3(b) Electron correlation
- 9E.3(c) Density functional theory
- 9E.3(d) Practical calculations
- 9E.3(e) Graphical representations
- 9F.1 The central challenge
- 9F.2 The Hartree−Fock formalism
- 9F.3 The Roothaan equations
- 9F.4 Evaluation and approximation of the integrals
- 9F.5 Density functional theory
- Topic 9A Valence-bond theory
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 9B Molecular orbital theory: the hydrogen molecule-ion
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 9C Molecular orbital theory: homonuclear diatomic molecules
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 9D Molecular orbital theory: heteronuclear diatomic molecules
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 9E Molecular orbital theory: polyatomic molecules
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 9 Molecular structure
- Integrated activities
- Topic 10A Shape and symmetry
- 10A.1 Symmetry operations and symmetry elements
- 10A.2 The symmetry classification of molecules
- 10A.2(a) The groups C1, Ci, and Cs
- 10A.2(b) The groups Cn, Cnv, and Cnh
- 10A.2(c) The groups Dn, Dnh, and Dnd
- 10A.2(d) The groups Sn
- 10A.2(e) The cubic groups
- 10A.2(f) The full rotation group
- 10A.3 Some immediate consequences of symmetry
- 10A.3(a) Polarity
- 10A.3(b) Chirality
- 10B.1 The elements of group theory
- 10B.2 Matrix representations
- 10B.2(a) Representatives of operations
- 10B.2(b) The representation of a group
- 10B.2(c) Irreducible representations
- 10B.2(d) Characters
- 10B.3 Character tables
- 10B.3(a) The symmetry species of atomic orbitals
- 10B.3(b) The symmetry species of linear combinations of orbitals
- 10B.3(c) Character tables and degeneracy
- 10C.1 Vanishing integrals
- 10C.1(a) Integrals of the product of functions
- 10C.1(b) Decomposition of a representation
- 10C.2 Applications to molecular orbital theory
- 10C.2(a) Orbital overlap
- 10C.2(b) Symmetry-adapted linear combinations
- 10C.3 Selection rules
- Topic 10A Shape and symmetry
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 10B Group theory
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 10C Applications of symmetry
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 11A General features of molecular spectroscopy
- 11A.1 The absorption and emission of radiation
- 11A.1(a) Stimulated and spontaneous radiative processes
- 11A.1(b) Selection rules and transition moments
- 11A.1(c) The Beer–Lambert law
- 11A.2 Spectral linewidths
- 11A.2(a) Doppler broadening
- 11A.2(b) Lifetime broadening
- 11A.3 Experimental techniques
- 11A.3(a) Sources of radiation
- 11A.3(b) Spectral analysis
- 11A.3(c) Detectors
- 11A.3(d) Examples of spectrometers
- 11A.1 The absorption and emission of radiation
- 11B.1 Rotational energy levels
- 11B.1(a) Spherical rotors
- 11B.1(b) Symmetric rotors
- 11B.1(c) Linear rotors
- 11B.1(d) Centrifugal distortion
- 11B.2 Microwave spectroscopy
- 11B.2(a) Selection rules
- 11B.2(b) The appearance of microwave spectra
- 11B.3 Rotational Raman spectroscopy
- 11B.4 Nuclear statistics and rotational states
- 11C.1 Vibrational motion
- 11C.2 Infrared spectroscopy
- 11C.3 Anharmonicity
- 11C.3(a) The convergence of energy levels
- 11C.3(b) The Birge–Sponer plot
- 11C.4 Vibration–rotation spectra
- 11C.4(a) Spectral branches
- 11C.4(b) Combination differences
- 11C.5 Vibrational Raman spectra
- 11D.1 Normal modes
- 11D.2 Infrared absorption spectra
- 11D.3 Vibrational Raman spectra
- 11E.1 Classification of normal modes according to symmetry
- 11E.2 Symmetry of vibrational wavefunctions
- 11E.2(a) Infrared activity of normal modes
- 11E.2(b) Raman activity of normal modes
- 11E.2(c) The symmetry basis of the exclusion rule
- 11F.1 Diatomic molecules
- 11F.1(a) Term symbols
- 11F.1(b) Selection rules
- 11F.1(c) Vibrational fine structure
- 11F.1(d) Rotational fine structure
- 11F.2 Polyatomic molecules
- 11F.2(a) d-Metal complexes
- 11F.2(b) π⋆ ← π and π⋆ ← n transitions
- 11G.1 Fluorescence and phosphorescence
- 11G.2 Dissociation and predissociation
- 11G.3 Lasers
- Topic 11A General features of molecular spectroscopy
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 11B Rotational spectroscopy
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 11C Vibrational spectroscopy of diatomic molecules
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 11D Vibrational spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 11E Symmetry analysis of vibrational spectra
- Discussion question
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 11F Electronic spectra
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 11G Decay of excited states
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 11 Molecular spectroscopy
- Integrated activities
- Topic 12A General principles
- 12A.1 Nuclear magnetic resonance
- 12A.1(a) The energies of nuclei in magnetic fields
- 12A.1(b) The NMR spectrometer
- 12A.2 Electron paramagnetic resonance
- 12A.2(a) The energies of electrons in magnetic fields
- 12A.2(b) The EPR spectrometer
- 12A.1 Nuclear magnetic resonance
- 12B.1 The chemical shift
- 12B.2 The origin of shielding constants
- 12B.2(a) The local contribution
- 12B.2(b) Neighbouring group contributions
- 12B.2(c) The solvent contribution
- 12B.3 The fine structure
- 12B.3(a) The appearance of the spectrum
- 12B.3(b) The magnitudes of coupling constants
- 12B.4 The origin of spin–spin coupling
- 12B.4(a) Equivalent nuclei
- 12B.4(b) Strongly coupled nuclei
- 12B.5 Exchange processes
- 12B.6 Solid-state NMR
- 12C.1 The magnetization vector
- 12C.1(a) The effect of the radiofrequency field
- 12C.1(b) Time- and frequency-domain signals
- 12C.2 Spin relaxation
- 12C.2(a) The mechanism of relaxation
- 12C.2(b) The measurement of T1 and T2
- 12C.3 Spin decoupling
- 12C.4 The nuclear Overhauser effect
- 12D.1 The g-value
- 12D.2 Hyperfine structure
- 12D.2(a) The effects of nuclear spin
- 12D.3 The McConnell equation
- 12D.3(a) The origin of the hyperfine interaction
- Topic 12A General principles
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 12B Features of NMR spectra
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 12C Pulse techniques in NMR
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 12D Electron paramagnetic resonance
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 12 Magnetic resonance
- Integrated activities
- Topic 13A The Boltzmann distribution
- 13A.1 Configurations and weights
- 13A.1(a) Instantaneous configurations
- 13A.1(b) The most probable distribution
- Step 1 Evaluate the first term in the expression
- Step 2 Evaluate the second term
- Step 3 Bring the two terms together
- Step 4 Introduce the two constraints by using Lagrange’s method
- Step 5 Treat the variables as independent
- Step 6 Evaluate the constant α
- 13A.2 The relative populations of states
- 13A.1 Configurations and weights
- Topic 13B Molecular partition functions
- 13B.1 The significance of the partition function
- 13B.2 Contributions to the partition function
- 13B.2(a) The translational contribution
- 13B.2(b) The rotational contribution
- 13B.2(c) The vibrational contribution
- 13B.2(d) The electronic contribution
- 13C.1 The basic equations
- 13C.2 Contributions of the fundamental modes of motion
- 13C.2(a) The translational contribution
- 13C.2(b) The rotational contribution
- 13C.2(c) The vibrational contribution
- 13C.2(d) The electronic contribution
- 13C.2(e) The spin contribution
- 13D.1 The concept of ensemble
- 13D.1(a) Dominating configurations
- 13D.1(b) Fluctuations from the most probable distribution
- 13D.2 The mean energy of a system
- 13D.3 Independent molecules revisited
- 13D.4 The variation of the energy with volume
- 13E.1 The internal energy
- 13E.1(a) The calculation of internal energy
- 13E.1(b) Heat capacity
- 13E.2 The entropy
- 13E.2(a) Entropy and the partition function
- 13E.2(b) The translational contribution
- 13E.2(c) The rotational contribution
- 13E.2(d) The vibrational contribution
- 13E.2(e) Residual entropies
- 13F.1 The derivations
- 13F.2 Equilibrium constants
- 13F.2(a) The relation between K and the partition function
- 13F.2(b) A dissociation equilibrium
- 13F.2(c) Contributions to the equilibrium constant
- Topic 13A The Boltzmann distribution
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 13B Molecular partition functions
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 13C Molecular energies
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 13D The canonical ensemble
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 13E The internal energy and the entropy
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 13F Derived functions
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 13 Statistical thermodynamics
- Integrated activities
- Topic 14A The electric properties of molecules
- 14A.1 Electric dipole moments
- 14A.2 Polarizabilities
- 14A.3 Polarization
- 14A.3(a) The mean dipole moment
- 14A.3(b) The frequency dependence of the polarization
- 14A.3(c) Molar polarization
- 14B.1 The interactions of dipoles
- 14B.1(a) Charge–dipole interactions
- 14B.1(b) Dipole–dipole interactions
- 14B.1(c) Dipole–induced dipole interactions
- 14B.1(d) Induced dipole–induced dipole interactions
- 14B.2 Hydrogen bonding
- 14B.3 The total interaction
- 14C.1 Molecular interactions in liquids
- 14C.1(a) The radial distribution function
- 14C.1(b) The calculation of g(r)
- 14C.1(c) The thermodynamic properties of liquids
- 14C.2 The liquid–vapour interface
- 14C.2(a) Surface tension
- 14C.2(b) Curved surfaces
- 14C.2(c) Capillary action
- 14C.3 Surface films
- 14C.3(a) Surface pressure
- 14C.3(b) The thermodynamics of surface layers
- 14C.4 Condensation
- 14D.1 Average molar masses
- 14D.2 The different levels of structure
- 14D.3 Random coils
- 14D.3(a) Measures of size
- 14D.3(b) Constrained chains
- 14D.3(c) Partly rigid coils
- 14D.4 Mechanical properties
- 14D.4(a) Conformational entropy
- 14D.4(b) Elastomers
- 14D.5 Thermal properties
- 14E.1 Colloids
- 14E.1(a) Classification and preparation
- 14E.1(b) Structure and stability
- 14E.1(c) The electrical double layer
- 14E.2 Micelles and biological membranes
- 14E.2(a) The hydrophobic interaction
- 14E.2(b) Micelle formation
- 14E.2(c) Bilayers, vesicles, and membranes
- Topic 14A The electric properties of molecules
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 14B Interactions between molecules
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 14C Liquids
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 14D Macromolecules
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 14E Self-assembly
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercise
- Problems
- Focus 14 Molecular interactions
- Integrated activities
- Topic 15A Crystal structure
- 15A.1 Periodic crystal lattices
- 15A.2 The identification of lattice planes
- 15A.2(a) The Miller indices
- 15A.2(b) The separation of neighbouring planes
- 15B.1 X-ray crystallography
- 15B.1(a) X-ray diffraction
- 15B.1(b) Bragg’s law
- 15B.1(c) Scattering factors
- 15B.1(d) The electron density
- 15B.1(e) The determination of structure
- 15B.2 Neutron and electron diffraction
- 15C.1 Metals
- 15C.1(a) Close packing
- 15C.1(b) Electronic structure of metals
- 15C.2 Ionic solids
- 15C.2(a) Structure
- 15C.2(b) Energetics
- 15C.3 Covalent and molecular solids
- 15E.1 Metallic conductors
- 15E.2 Insulators and semiconductors
- 15E.3 Superconductors
- 15F.1 Magnetic susceptibility
- 15F.2 Permanent and induced magnetic moments
- 15F.3 Magnetic properties of superconductors
- 15G.1 Excitons
- 15G.2 Metals and semiconductors
- 15G.2(a) Light absorption
- 15G.2(b) Light-emitting diodes and diode lasers
- 15G.3 Nonlinear optical phenomena
- Topic 15A Crystal structure
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 15B Diffraction techniques
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 15C Bonding in solids
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 15D The mechanical properties of solids
- Discussion question
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 15E The electrical properties of solids
- Discussion question
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 15F The magnetic properties of solids
- Discussion question
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 15G The optical properties of solids
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercise
- Problems
- Focus 15 Solids
- Integrated activities
- Topic 16A Transport properties of a perfect gas
- 16A.1 The phenomenological equations
- 16A.2 The transport parameters
- 16A.2(a) The diffusion coefficient
- 16A.2(b) Thermal conductivity
- 16A.2(c) Viscosity
- 16A.2(d) Effusion
- 16B.1 Experimental results
- 16B.1(a) Liquid viscosity
- 16B.1(b) Electrolyte solutions
- 16B.2 The mobilities of ions
- 16B.2(a) The drift speed
- 16B.2(b) Mobility and conductivity
- 16B.2(c) The Einstein relations
- 16C.1 The thermodynamic view
- 16C.2 The diffusion equation
- 16C.2(a) Simple diffusion
- 16C.2(b) Diffusion with convection
- 16C.2(c) Solutions of the diffusion equation
- 16C.3 The statistical view
- Topic 16A Transport properties of a perfect gas
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 16B Motion in liquids
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 16C Diffusion
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 16 Molecules in motion
- Integrated activities
- Topic 17A The rates of chemical reactions
- 17A.1 Monitoring the progress of a reaction
- 17A.1(a) General considerations
- 17A.1(b) Special techniques
- 17A.2 The rates of reactions
- 17A.2(a) The definition of rate
- 17A.2(b) Rate laws and rate constants
- 17A.2(c) Reaction order
- 17A.2(d) The determination of the rate law
- 17A.1 Monitoring the progress of a reaction
- 17B.1 Zeroth-order reactions
- 17B.2 First-order reactions
- 17B.3 Second-order reactions
- 17C.1 First-order reactions approaching equilibrium
- 17C.2 Relaxation methods
- 17D.1 The temperature dependence of rate constants
- 17D.2 The interpretation of the Arrhenius parameters
- 17D.2(a) A first look at the energy requirements of reactions
- 17D.2(b) The effect of a catalyst on the activation energy
- 17E.1 Elementary reactions
- 17E.2 Consecutive elementary reactions
- 17E.3 The steady-state approximation
- 17E.4 The rate-determining step
- 17E.5 Pre-equilibria
- 17E.6 Kinetic and thermodynamic control of reactions
- 17F.1 Unimolecular reactions
- 17F.2 Polymerization kinetics
- 17F.2(a) Stepwise polymerization
- 17F.2(b) Chain polymerization
- 17F.3 Enzyme-catalysed reactions
- 17G.1 Photochemical processes
- 17G.2 The primary quantum yield
- 17G.3 Mechanism of decay of excited singlet states
- 17G.4 Quenching
- 17G.5 Resonance energy transfer
- Topic 17A The rates of chemical reactions
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 17B Integrated rate laws
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 17C Reactions approaching equilibrium
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 17D The Arrhenius equation
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 17E Reaction mechanisms
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 17F Examples of reaction mechanisms
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 17G Photochemistry
- Discussion question
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 17 Chemical kinetics
- Integrated activities
- Topic 18A Collision theory
- 18A.1 Reactive encounters
- 18A.1(a) Collision rates in gases
- 18A.1(b) The energy requirement
- 18A.1(c) The steric requirement
- 18A.2 The RRK model
- 18A.1 Reactive encounters
- Topic 18B Diffusion-controlled reactions
- 18B.1 Reactions in solution
- 18E.1(a) Classes of reaction
- 18B.1(b) Diffusion and reaction
- 18B.2 The material-balance equation
- 18B.2(a) The formulation of the equation
- 18B.2(b) Solutions of the equation
- 18B.1 Reactions in solution
- 18C.1 The Eyring equation
- 18C.1(a) The formulation of the equation
- 18C.1(b) The rate of decay of the activated complex
- 18C.1(c) The concentration of the activated complex
- 18C.1(d) The rate constant
- 18C.2 Thermodynamic aspects
- 18C.2(a) Activation parameters
- 18C.2(b) Reactions between ions
- 18C.3 The kinetic isotope effect
- 18D.1 Molecular beams
- 18D.1(a) Techniques
- 18D.1(b) Experimental results
- 18D.2 Reactive collisions
- 18D.2(a) Probes of reactive collisions
- 18D.2(b) State-to-state reaction dynamics
- 18D.3 Potential energy surfaces
- 18D.4 Some results from experiments and calculations
- 18D.4(a) The direction of attack and separation
- 18D.4(b) Attractive and repulsive surfaces
- 18D.4(c) Quantum mechanical scattering theory
- 18E.1 The rate law
- 18E.2 The role of electron tunnelling
- 18E.3 The rate constant
- 18E.4 Experimental tests of the theory
- Topic 18A Collision theory
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 18B Diffusion-controlled reactions
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 18C Transition-state theory
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 18D The dynamics of molecular collisions
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 18E Electron transfer in homogeneous systems
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 18 Reaction dynamics
- Integrated activities
- Topic 19A An introduction to solid surfaces
- 19A.1 Surface growth
- 19A.2 Physisorption and chemisorption
- 19A.3 Experimental techniques
- 19A.3(a) Microscopy
- 19A.3(b) Ionization techniques
- 19A.3(c) Diffraction techniques
- 19A.3(d) Determination of the extent and rates of adsorption and desorption
- 19B.1 Adsorption isotherms
- 19B.1(a) The Langmuir isotherm
- 19B.1(b) The isosteric enthalpy of adsorption
- 19B.1(c) The BET isotherm
- 19B.1(d) The Temkin and Freundlich isotherms
- 19B.2 The rates of adsorption and desorption
- 19B.2(a) The precursor state
- 19B.2(b) Adsorption and desorption at the molecular level
- 19B.2(c) Mobility on surfaces
- 19C.1 Mechanisms of heterogeneous catalysis
- 19C.1(a) Unimolecular reactions
- 19C.1(b) The Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism
- 19C.1(c) The Eley–Rideal mechanism
- 19C.2 Catalytic activity at surfaces
- 19D.1 The electrode–solution interface
- 19D.2 The current density at an electrode
- 19D.2(a) The Butler–Volmer equation
- 19D.2(b) Tafel plots
- 19D.3 Voltammetry
- 19D.4 Electrolysis
- 19D.5 Working galvanic cells
- Topic 19A An introduction to solid surfaces
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 19B Adsorption and desorption
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Topic 19C Heterogeneous catalysis
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercise
- Problems
- Topic 19D Processes at electrodes
- Discussion questions
- Additional exercises
- Problems
- Focus 19 Processes at solid surfaces
- Integrated activities
- PART 1 Mathematical resources
- 1.1 Integration
- 1.2 Differentiation
- 1.3 Series expansions
- PART 2 Quantities and units
- PART 3 Data
- PART 4 Character tables
- Contents
- Contents by category
- A DEEPER LOOK 2D.1 The Joule–Thomson effect and isenthalpic change
- A DEEPER LOOK 3D.1 The Born equation
- A DEEPER LOOK 5F.1 The Debye–Hückel theory
- Step 1 Calculate the work of charging an ion
- Step 2 Calculate the Coulomb potential experienced by an ion
- Step 3 Calculate the Debye length
- Step 4 Calculate the work of charging the ion in the presence of the ionic atmosphere
- Step 5 Evaluate the activity coefficient
- A DEEPER LOOK 5F.2 The fugacity
- Step 1 Express the molar Gibbs energies in terms of fugacity
- Step 2 Express the integral in terms of the difference of molar volumes of real and perfect gases
- Step 3 Allow one of the pressures to approach zero
- Step 4 Analyse the implications of the equation
- A DEEPER LOOK 7D.1 Particle in a triangle
- A DEEPER LOOK 7F.1 Separation of variables
- (a) Particle on a sphere
- Step 1 Insert the factorized possible solution
- Step 2 Verify that the expression is separable
- (b) Hydrogenic atoms
- Step 1 Separate the internal motion from the external motion
- Step 2 Write the Schrödinger equation associated with internal motion
- Step 3 Write an expression for the radial contribution
- (c) Harmonic oscillator
- Step 1 Write the Schrödinger equation for the molecule
- Step 2 Show that the equation separates
- (a) Particle on a sphere
- A DEEPER LOOK 9B.1 The energies of the molecular orbitals of H2+
- Step 1 Write a general expression for the expectation value
- Step 2 Evaluate the first term
- Step 3 Evaluate the second term
- Step 4 Combine the expressions from Steps 2 and 3
- A DEEPER LOOK 9F.1 The equations of computational chemistry
- A DEEPER LOOK 9F.2 The Roothaan equations
- A DEEPER LOOK 11A.1 Origins of spectroscopic transitions
- A DEEPER LOOK 11B.1 Rotational selection rules
- (a) Pure rotational selection rules
- Step 1 Identify the rotational wavefunctions
- Step 2 Write the dipole moment in terms of spherical harmonics
- Step 3 Evaluate the integral using a standard result
- (b) Rotational Raman selection rules
- Step 1 Express the component in the molecular frame
- Step 2 Express the induced components of the dipole moment in the molecular frame
- Step 3 Express the angles in terms of spherical harmonics
- Step 4 Evaluate the transition dipole moment
- (a) Pure rotational selection rules
- (a) Pure vibrational spectra
- Step 1 Express how the dipole moment varies with the displacement
- Step 2 Express the transition dipole moment in terms of the displacement
- Step 3 Analyse the integral
- (b) Vibrational Raman spectra
- Step 1 Relate the dipole moment of the molecule to its polarizability
- Step 2 Identify how the polarizability depends on the length of the bond
- Step 1 Identify the van der Waals parameters
- Step 2 Simplify the configuration integral for weak pairwise interactions
- Step 3 Analyse the ‘perfect’ contribution
- Step 3 Evaluate the contribution of the interaction integral
- Step 4 Evaluate the integral
- Step 5 Evaluate the ‘imperfect’ contribution to the pressure
- Step 6 Identify the second virial coefficient
- Step 7 Evaluate the internal pressure
- Step 1 Write an expression for the Coulomb potential
- Step 2 Make approximations
- Step 3 Write an expression for the electric field strength
- Step 4 Write an expression for the potential energy of interaction
- Step 1 Set up an expression for the potential energy
- Step 2 Evaluate the contribution of the virial
- Step 3 Evaluate the integral
- Step 4 Compare this equation of state with the virial equation of state and the corresponding second virial coefficient
- Step 5 Identify the van der Waals parameters
- Step 1 Express the pressure in terms of the internal energy
- Step 2 Relate the change in volume to the change in a lattice parameter
- Step 3 Relate the internal energy to the intermolecular potential energy
- Step 1 Express the probability as a logarithm and use Stirling’s approximation to approximate the factorials
- Step 2 Expand the logarithms
- Step 3 Take antilogarithms
- Step 1 Set up the model
- Step 2 Calculate the number of ways in which the energy can be distributed over the oscillators
- Step 3 Consider the effect of excitation of a critical oscillator that undergoes dissociation
- Step 4 Write an expression for the probability of dissociation of an oscillator
- Step 5 Write an expression for the rate constant
- Step 1 Consider the rate of adsorption and desorption from each layer
- Step 2 Simplify the model by differentiating between the first and all subsequent layers
- Step 3 Derive expressions for the fractional surface coverage of each layer
- Step 4 Combine the expressions for the fractional coverage of each layer, and hence find an expression for θ0
- Step 5 Find an expression for the total number of adsorbed molecules
- Step 6 Combine the expressions for θ0 and the total number of adsorbed molecules
- Step 7 Rewrite the expression for N in terms of the volume adsorbed, and relate α to the vapour pressure
- Step 8 Combine the results from Steps 6 and 7
- (a) Proteins
- (b) Nucleic acids
- Energy A First Look
- Topic 1A The perfect gas
- Topic 1B The kinetic model
- Topic 1C Real gases
- Focus 1 The properties of gases
- Topic 2A Internal energy
- Topic 2B Enthalpy
- Topic 2C Thermochemistry
- Topic 2D State functions and exact differentials
- Topic 2E Adiabatic changes
- Focus 2 The First Law
- Topic 3A Entropy
- Topic 3B Entropy changes accompanying specific processes
- Topic 3C The measurement of entropy
- Topic 3D Concentrating on the system
- Topic 3E Combining the First and Second Laws
- Focus 3 The Second and Third Laws
- Topic 4A Phase diagrams of pure substances
- Topic 4B Thermodynamic aspects of phase transitions
- Focus 4 Physical transformations of pure substances
- Topic 5A The thermodynamic description of mixtures
- Topic 5B The properties of solutions
- Topic 5C Phase diagrams of binary systems: liquids
- Topic 5D Phase diagrams of binary systems: solids
- Topic 5E Phase diagrams of ternary systems
- Topic 5F Activities
- Focus 5 Simple mixtures
- Topic 6A The equilibrium constant
- Topic 6B The response of equilibria to the conditions
- Topic 6C Electrochemical cells
- Topic 6D Electrode potentials
- Focus 6 Chemical equilibrium
- Topic 7A The origins of quantum mechanics
- Topic 7B Wavefunctions
- Topic 7C Operators and observables
- Topic 7D Translational motion
- Topic 7E Vibrational motion
- Topic 7F Rotational motion
- Focus 7 Quantum theory
- Topic 8A Hydrogenic atoms
- Topic 8B Many-electron atoms
- Topic 8C Atomic spectra
- Focus 8 Atomic structure and spectra
- Focus 9 Molecular structure
- Topic 9A Valence-bond theory
- Topic 9B Molecular orbital theory: the hydrogen molecule-ion
- Topic 9C Molecular orbital theory: homonuclear diatomic molecules
- Topic 9D Molecular orbital theory: heteronuclear diatomic molecules
- Topic 9E Molecular orbital theory: polyatomic molecules
- Focus 9 Molecular structure
- Topic 10A Shape and symmetry
- Topic 10B Group theory
- Topic 10C Applications of symmetry
- Focus 10 Molecular symmetry
- Topic 11A General features of molecular spectroscopy
- Topic 11B Rotational spectroscopy
- Topic 11C Vibrational spectroscopy of diatomic molecules
- Topic 11D Vibrational spectroscopy of polyatomic molecules
- Topic 11E Symmetry analysis of vibrational spectra
- Topic 11F Electronic spectra
- Topic 11G Decay of excited states
- Focus 11 Molecular spectroscopy
- Topic 12A General principles
- Topic 12B Features of NMR spectra
- Topic 12C Pulse techniques in NMR
- Topic 12D Electron paramagnetic resonance
- Focus 12 Magnetic resonance
- Topic 13A The Boltzmann distribution
- Topic 13B Molecular partition functions
- Topic 13C Molecular energies
- Topic 13D The canonical ensemble
- Topic 13E The internal energy and the entropy
- Topic 13F Derived functions
- Focus 13 Statistical thermodynamics
- Topic 14A The electric properties of molecules
- Topic 14B Interactions between molecules
- Topic 14C Liquids
- Topic 14D Macromolecules
- Topic 14E Self-assembly
- Focus 14 Molecular interactions
- Topic 15A Crystal structure
- Topic 15B Diffraction techniques
- Topic 15C Bonding in solids
- Topic 15D The mechanical properties of solids
- Topic 15E The electrical properties of solids
- Topic 15F The magnetic properties of solids
- Topic 15G The optical properties of solids
- Focus 15 Solids
- Topic 16A Transport properties of a perfect gas
- Topic 16B Motion in liquids
- Topic 16C Diffusion
- Focus 16 Molecules in motion
- Topic 17A The rates of chemical reactions
- Topic 17B Integrated rate laws
- Topic 17C Reactions approaching equilibrium
- Topic 17D The Arrhenius equation
- Topic 17E Reaction mechanisms
- Topic 17F Examples of reaction mechanisms
- Topic 17G Photochemistry
- Focus 17 Chemical kinetics
- Topic 18A Collision theory
- Topic 18B Diffusion-controlled reactions
- Topic 18C Transition-state theory
- Topic 18D The dynamics of molecular collisions
- Topic 18E Electron transfer in homogeneous systems
- Focus 18 Reaction dynamics
- Topic 19A An introduction to solid surfaces
- Topic 19B Adsorption and desorption
- Topic 19C Heterogeneous catalysis
- Topic 19D Processes at electrodes
- Focus 19 Processes at solid surfaces
- Resource Section
- Impact 1 …ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: The gas laws and the weather
- Impact 4 …ON ENGINEERING: Refrigeration
- Impact 5 …ON MATERIALS SCIENCE: Crystal defects1
- Impact 8 …ON MATERIALS SCIENCE: Liquid crystals
- Impact 10 …ON CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: Species-selective electrodes
- Impact 11 …ON TECHNOLOGY: Quantum computing
- Impact 14 …ON BIOCHEMISTRY: The reactivity of O2, N2, and NO
- Impact 16 …ON ASTROPHYSICS: Rotational and vibrational spectroscopy of interstellar species
- Impact 17 …ON ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE: Climate change
- Impact 18 …ON MEDICINE: Magnetic resonance imaging
- Impact 20 …ON BIOCHEMISTRY: The helix–coil transition in polypeptides
- Impact 21 …ON BIOLOGY: Biological macromolecules
- Impact 22 …ON MEDICINE: Molecular recognition and drug design
- Impact 23 …ON BIOCHEMISTRY: Analysis of X-ray diffraction by DNA
- Impact 24 …ON NANOSCIENCE: Nanowires
- Impact 25 …ON BIOCHEMISTRY: Ion channels
- Impact 27 …ON TECHNOLOGY: Catalysis in the chemical industry
- Impact 28 …ON TECHNOLOGY: Fuel cells
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