Your updated guide to exploring the night sky Do you know the difference between a red giant and a white dwarf? From asteroids to black holes, this easy-to-understand guide takes you on a grand tour of the universe. Featuring updated star maps, charts, and an insert with gorgeous full-color photographs, Astronomy For Dummies provides an easy-to-follow introduction to exploring the night sky.
Plus, this new edition also comes with chapter quizzes online to help your understanding. For as long as people have been walking the earth, those people have looked up into the night sky and wondered about the nature of the cosmos. Without the benefit of science to provide answers, they relied on myth and superstition to help them make sense of what they saw. Lucky for us, we live at a time when regular folks, equipped with nothing more than their naked eyes, can look up into the night sky and gain admittance to infinite wonders.
If you know what to look for, you can make out planets, stars, galaxies, and even galactic clusters comprising hundreds of millions of stars and spanning millions of light-years. Whether you're an amateur astronomer, space enthusiast, or enrolled in a first year astronomy course, Astronomy For Dummies gives you a reason to look into the heavens. Includes updated schedules of coming eclipses of the Sun and Moon and a revised planetary appendix Covers recent discoveries in space, such as water on the Moon and Pluto's demotion from "planet" status Collects new websites, lists of telescope motels, sky-watching guides, and suggestions for beginner's telescopes and suppliers Provides free online access to chapter quizzes to help you understand the content Ever wonder what's out there in the big ol' universe? This is the book for you!.
- Höfundur: Stephen P. Maran
- Útgáfa:4
- Útgáfudagur: 2017-08-15
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119374381
- Print ISBN: 9781119374244
- ISBN 10: 1119374383
- Cover
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Getting Started with Astronomy
- Chapter 1: Seeing the Light: The Art and Science of Astronomy
- Astronomy: The Science of Observation
- What You See: The Language of Light
- Gravity: A Force to Be Reckoned With
- Space: A Commotion of Motion
- Chapter 2: Join the Crowd: Skywatching Activities and Resources
- You’re Not Alone: Astronomy Clubs, Websites, Smartphone Apps, and More
- Visiting Observatories and Planetariums
- Vacationing with the Stars: Star Parties, Eclipse Trips, Dark Sky Parks, and More
- Chapter 3: Terrific Tools for Observing the Skies
- Seeing Stars: A Sky Geography Primer
- Beginning with Naked-Eye Observation
- Using Binoculars or a Telescope for a Better View
- Planning Your First Steps into Astronomy
- Chapter 4: Just Passing Through: Meteors, Comets, and Artificial Satellites
- Meteors: Wishing on a Shooting Star
- Comets: The Lowdown on Dirty Ice Balls
- Artificial Satellites: Enduring a Love–Hate Relationship
- Chapter 1: Seeing the Light: The Art and Science of Astronomy
- Chapter 5: A Matched Pair: Earth and Its Moon
- Putting Earth under the Astronomical Microscope
- Examining Earth’s Time, Seasons, and Age
- Making Sense of the Moon
- Chapter 6: Earth’s Near Neighbors: Mercury, Venus, and Mars
- Mercury: Weird, Hot, and Mostly Metal
- Dry, Acidic, and Hilly: Steering Clear of Venus
- Red, Cold, and Barren: Uncovering the Mysteries of Mars
- Differentiating Earth through Comparative Planetology
- Observing the Terrestrial Planets with Ease
- Chapter 7: Rock On: The Asteroid Belt and Near-Earth Objects
- Taking a Brief Tour of the Asteroid Belt
- Understanding the Threat That Near-Earth Objects Pose
- Searching for Small Points of Light
- Chapter 8: Great Balls of Gas: Jupiter and Saturn
- The Pressure’s On: Journeying Inside Jupiter and Saturn
- Almost a Star: Gazing at Jupiter
- Our Main Planetary Attraction: Setting Your Sights on Saturn
- Chapter 9: Far Out! Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, and Beyond
- Breaking the Ice with Uranus and Neptune
- Meeting Pluto, the Amazing Dwarf Planet
- Buckling Down to the Kuiper Belt
- Viewing the Outer Planets
- Hunting New Planet Number Nine
- Chapter 10: The Sun: Star of Earth
- Surveying the Sunscape
- Don’t Make a Blinding Mistake: Safe Techniques for Solar Viewing
- Fun with the Sun: Solar Observation
- Chapter 11: Taking a Trip to the Stars
- Life Cycles of the Hot and Massive
- Star Color, Brightness, and Mass
- Eternal Partners: Binary and Multiple Stars
- Change Is Good: Variable Stars
- Your Stellar Neighbors
- How to Help Scientists by Observing the Stars
- Star Studies to Aid with Your Brain and Computer
- Chapter 12: Galaxies: The Milky Way and Beyond
- Unwrapping the Milky Way
- Star Clusters: Meeting Galactic Associates
- Taking a Shine to Nebulae
- Getting a Grip on Galaxies
- Joining Galaxy Zoo for Fun and Science
- Chapter 13: Digging into Black Holes and Quasars
- Black Holes: Keeping Your Distance
- Quasars: Defying Definitions
- Active Galactic Nuclei: Welcome to the Quasar Family
- Chapter 14: Is Anybody Out There? SETI and Planets of Other Suns
- Using Drake’s Equation to Discuss SETI
- SETI Projects: Listening for E.T.
- Discovering Alien Worlds
- Astrobiology: How’s Life on Other Worlds?
- Chapter 15: Delving into Dark Matter and Antimatter
- Dark Matter: Understanding the Universal Glue
- Taking a Shot in the Dark: Searching for Dark Matter
- Dueling Antimatter: Proving That Opposites Attract
- Chapter 16: The Big Bang and the Evolution of the Universe
- Evidence for the Big Bang
- Inflation: A Swell Time in the Universe
- Dark Energy: The Universal Accelerator
- Universal Info Pulled from the Cosmic Microwave Background
- In a Galaxy Far Away: Standard Candles and the Hubble Constant
- The Fate of the Universe
- Chapter 17: Ten Strange Facts about Astronomy and Space
- You Have Tiny Meteorites in Your Hair
- A Comet’s Tail Often Leads the Way
- Earth Is Made of Rare and Unusual Matter
- High Tide Comes on Both Sides of Earth at the Same Time
- On Venus, the Rain Never Falls on the Plain
- Rocks from Mars Dot Earth
- Pluto Was Discovered from the Predictions of a False Theory
- Sunspots Aren’t Dark
- A Star in Plain View May Have Exploded, but No One Knows
- You May Have Seen the Big Bang on an Old Television
- Chapter 18: Ten Common Errors about Astronomy and Space
- “The Light from That Star Took 1,000 Light-Years to Reach Earth”
- A Freshly Fallen Meteorite Is Still Hot
- Summer Always Comes When Earth Is Closest to the Sun
- The Back of the Moon Is Dark
- The “Morning Star” Is a Star
- If You Vacation in the Asteroid Belt, You’ll See Asteroids All Around You
- Nuking a “Killer Asteroid” on a Collision Course for Earth Will Save Us
- The Sun Is an Average Star
- The Hubble Telescope Gets Up Close and Personal
- The Big Bang Is Dead
- Appendix A: Star Maps
- Appendix B: Glossary
- Sky Measures
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 10682
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 380