Assistive Technologies
- EAT0106 Efnisheimur, aðgengi og tækni
Master the assistive strategies you need to make confident clinical decisions and help improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. Based on the Human Activity Assistive Technology (HAAT) model developed by Albert Cook, Sue Hussey, and Janice Polgar, Assistive Technologies: Principles and Practice, 6th Edition , provides detailed coverage of the broad range of devices, services, and practices that comprise assistive technology.
This text offers a systematic process for ensuring the effective application of assistive technologies — and focuses on the relationship between the human user and the assisted activity within specific contexts. New to this edition is updated and expanded content on autonomous features of wheelchairs and vehicles, electronic aids to daily living, robotics, sustainability issues related to assistive technology, and much more.
NEW! Enhanced readability and navigation streamline content with a user-friendly layout for a smoother reading experience and quick reference. NEW! Enhanced focus on clinical reasoning and clinical decision-making processes in assistive technology service delivery. NEW! Updated information on autonomous features of wheelchairs and vehicles, electronic aids to daily living (including mainstream products), and robotics.
NEW! Integration of global resources and guidelines on assistive technology and wheelchair provision, including the WHO/UNICEF Global Report on Assistive Technology and the WHO Wheelchair Provision Guidelines. NEW! Expanded content on global and sustainability issues related to the provision/development of assistive technology products and service delivery. NEW! Enhanced ebook version, included with every new print purchase, allows access to all the text, figures, and references, with the ability to search, customize content, make notes and highlights, and have content read aloud.
Human Activity Assistive Technology (HAAT) framework locates assistive technology within common, everyday contexts for more relevant application. Explicit applications of the HAAT model in each of the chapters on specific technologies and more emphasis on the interactions among the elements make content even easier to understand. Focus on clinical application guides application of concepts to real-world situations.
Study questions and chapter summaries in each chapter help assessment of understanding and identification of areas where more study is needed. Coverage of changing assistive technology needs throughout the lifespan emphasizes how assistive technology fits into different stages of people’s lives and contributes to their full participation in society. Principles and practice of assistive technology provide the foundation for effective reasoning.
- Höfundar: Janice Miller Polgar, Pedro Encarnação, Emma Smith, Albert M. Cook
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2024-10-18
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780443110542
- Print ISBN: 9780443109690
- ISBN 10: 0443110549
- Cover image
- Title page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Table of Contents
- 1 Principles of Assistive Technology
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Contextual Background of the Book
- Constructs of Disability
- Definitions of Assistive Technology
- Principles of Assistive Technology Service Delivery
- The Human Activity Assistive Technology Model
- Application of the Human Activity Assistive Technology Model
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 2 The Human Activity Assistive Technology Model
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Introduction
- The Activity Component
- The Human Component
- The Context Component
- The Assistive Technology Component
- Reassembling the HAAT Model
- Application of the HAAT Model
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 3 Global Perspectives on Assistive Technology
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Context: The Worldwide Political Framework
- Human: Prevalence of Disability and Assistive Technology Needs
- Activity: Early Childhood, Education, Employment, and Retirement
- Assistive Technology: Access to Assistive Technology
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 4 Ethical Issues in Assistive Technology
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Introduction
- What Are Ethics?
- Principles of Biomedical Ethics
- Applying the Principles of Biomedical Ethics to Assistive Technology
- Applying Ethical Principles to Challenging Issues in Assistive Technology
- Ethical Principles in Assistive Technology Service Delivery
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 5 Assistive Technology Service Delivery
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Introduction
- Principles of Assistive Technology Service Delivery
- The Assistive Technology Service Delivery Process
- Funding
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 6 Human–Technology Interface
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Activity Component: Enabling Participation
- Human Component: Interacting With an Assistive Product
- Assistive Technology Component: Connecting the User to the Technology
- Context Component
- Assessment
- HTI Fitting
- Training
- Outcomes
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 7 Access to Mainstream Information and Communication Technologies
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Activity Component: Accessing the Information Highway
- Human Component: Challenges in Using Mainstream ICTs for Persons with Disabilities
- Context Component
- Assistive Technology Component
- Assessment
- Outcomes
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 8 Mobility Technologies: Seating
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Introduction
- Activity
- Human
- Context
- Assistive Technologies for Seating and Positioning
- Seating Technologies
- Seating Assessment
- Seating Intervention
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 9 Mobility Technologies: Personal Mobility
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Activity Component
- Human Component
- Context Components
- Assistive Technology
- Provision of Wheeled Mobility
- Summary
- Study questions
- References
- 10 Mobility Technologies: Transportation
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Activity
- Human
- Context
- Assistive Technology
- Assessment
- Outcome Evaluation
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 11 Manipulation Technologies: Aids to Daily Living
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Activity Component
- Human Component
- Context Component
- Assistive Technology for Manipulation
- Assessment for Aids for Manipulation
- Outcomes to Evaluate Aids to Daily Living
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 12 Manipulation Technologies: Robotics
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Activity Component
- Human Component
- Context Component
- Robotic Aids to Manipulation
- Assessment for Robotic Augmentative Manipulation
- Training Robotic Assistive Technologies That Aid Manipulation Use
- Outcomes
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 13 Cognition Technologies
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Activity Component
- Human Component
- Context Component
- Assistive Technologies That Support Cognition and Mental Health
- Assessment for Technologies to Support Cognition and Mental Health
- Outcomes
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- 14 Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems
- Chapter Outline
- Learning Objectives
- Key Terms
- Activity Component
- Human Component
- Context Component
- Assistive Technologies for Augmentative and Alternative Communication
- Augmentative and Alternative Communication Assessment
- Relating Goals and Skills to Augmentative and Alternative Communication System Characteristics (Feature Matching)
- Implementation of AAC Systems
- Training System Use: Developing Communicative Competence
- Outcomes Evaluation
- Summary
- Study Questions
- References
- Glossary
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14567
- Útgáfuár : 2024
- Leyfi : 380