Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management
- V-830-PEMA Performance Management
Ensk lýsing:
Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management addresses all areas of performance management, from performance pay and giving feedback to managing underperformers and having difficult conversations, so organizations can optimize staff performance. This fully updated and restructured 6th edition analyzes traditional as well as the latest developments in performance management including the shift from ratings and annual reviews.
Veteran HR expert Michael Armstrong examines where these new approaches should be embraced and where traditional methods of performance management may be preferable. Packed with examples, exercises, checklists and new case studies from organizations such as Microsoft, IBM and Expedia, this book remains the most authoritative and engaging textbook on performance management. Supporting online resources for Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management include an instructor's manual, a student's manual, lecture slides, a glossary of terms and a literature review.
Optimizing staff performance is a key component of achieving outstanding business results. The new edition of Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management is an essential companion for improving employee and organizational performance. From performance pay and giving feedback to managing underperformers, this handbook addresses all areas of performance management to enable students and practitioners to understand how to assess, measure and improve performance.
This updated seventh edition contains new chapters on the meaning and development of performance management and managing performance with a remote workforce. It also covers performance leadership and multi-source feedback. Packed with examples to show how the theory applies in practice and exercises to consolidate student learning, Armstrong's Handbook of Performance Management remains an indispensable and engaging resource for securing effective performance across all aspects of the organization.
- Höfundur: Michael Armstrong
- Útgáfa:7
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-01-03
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781398603035
- Print ISBN: 9781398603028
- ISBN 10: 1398603031
- Cover
- Endorsements
- Titlepage
- Contents
- List of Figures
- List of Tables
- Introduction
- Focus on performance leadership
- Plan of the book
- Part One Performance management fundamentals
- 01 The meaning and nature of performance management
- Introduction
- Performance management defined
- Performance management and performance appraisal
- The nature of performance management
- The purpose and aims of performance management
- The impact of performance management
- Performance management: the ethical dimension
- The approach to managing performance
- References
- 02 The conceptual framework of performance management
- Introduction
- The meaning of performance
- The distribution of performance
- Factors affecting individual performance
- Underpinning theories
- Performance management and the psychological contract
- References
- 03 Performance management systems
- Introduction
- Features of a performance management system
- The reality of performance management
- References
- 04 Performance management issues
- Introduction
- How well is performance management working?
- What’s wrong with performance management?
- The role of line managers
- References
- 05 Performance management developments
- Introduction
- Performance management systems
- Advantages and disadvantages of developments
- References
- 01 The meaning and nature of performance management
- 06 Performance leadership
- Introduction
- What engaging managers do
- The concept of performance leadership
- Conclusion
- References
- 07 Performance and development planning
- Introduction
- Performance and development planning – the traditional approach
- Defining roles
- Defining objectives
- Development planning
- References
- 08 Assessing performance
- Introduction
- Performance analysis
- Rating
- Forced distribution and forced ranking
- Narrative assessment
- Visual methods of assessment
- Conclusions
- References
- 09 Conducting performance reviews
- Introduction
- The traditional performance review
- Performance conversations
- Strength-based assessment
- References
- 10 Multi-source feedback
- Introduction
- 360-degree feedback defined
- The rationale for 360-degree feedback
- Methodology
- Advantages and disadvantages
- Introducing 360-degree feedback
- Crowdsourced feedback
- References
- 11 Defining objectives
- Introduction
- The meaning of objectives
- The conceptual background
- Characteristics of an effective objective
- The process of defining objectives
- Strategic alignment
- References
- 12 Providing feedback
- Introduction
- Feedback defined
- The nature of feedback
- Use of feedback
- How effective is feedback?
- Continuous feedback
- Providing constructive feedback
- An alternative approach – the ‘feedforward’ interview
- Guidelines on providing feedback
- References
- 13 Coaching
- Introduction
- Coaching defined
- The process of coaching
- Coaching skills
- Developing a coaching culture
- References
- 14 Managing underperformance
- Introduction
- The problem of underperformance
- Approaches to managing underperformance
- The five basic steps
- Handling challenging conversations about performance
- Use of a capability procedure
- References
- 15 Managing organizational performance
- Introduction
- The process of managing organizational performance
- The strategic approach to managing organizational performance
- Business performance management systems
- ProMES
- Organizational capability
- Performance management and human capital management
- Measuring performance
- References
- 16 Managing team performance
- Introduction
- Agreeing performance objectives
- Agreeing process objectives
- Conducting team performance reviews
- References
- 17 International performance management
- Introduction
- Performance management in the subsidiaries of multinationals
- Approaches to international performance management
- What happens in practice
- International performance management in action
- Performance management for expatriates
- References
- 18 Managing the performance of homeworkers
- Introduction
- Policy
- Clarifying expectations
- Performance management processes
- Guiding principles
- References
- 19 Performance management and learning
- Introduction
- How learning is facilitated by performance management
- References
- 20 Performance management and talent management
- Introduction
- The process of talent management
- Identifying talent
- Identifying ability
- Identifying potential
- Developing talent
- References
- 21 Performance management and reward
- Introduction
- Performance management and non-financial rewards
- Performance management and performance pay
- Reconciling performance management and pay
- References
- 22 Performance management and employee engagement
- Introduction
- What is employee engagement?
- Why is engagement important?
- What are the enablers of engagement?
- What part is played by performance management?
- How can an organization ensure that performance management plays its part?
- References
- 23 Developing performance management
- Introduction
- Developing performance leadership
- Developing performance management systems – the choices
- The development process
- How to approach development
- Advice on introducing performance management
- The development programme
- References
- 24 Learning about performance management
- Introduction
- Performance leadership development
- Performance leadership development programmes
- References
- 25 Evaluating performance management
- Introduction
- Criteria for evaluation
- Performance management audit
- Improving the performance of performance management – an eight-point plan
- References
- 26 Where is performance management today?
- Introduction
- References
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6047
- Útgáfuár : 2022
- Leyfi : 379