Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice

- OSS102F Mannauðsstjórnun
- 122.6.0 MANN Mannauðsstjórnun.
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Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice is the bestselling, definitive text for all HRM students and professionals. Providing a complete resource for understanding and implementing HR in relation to the needs of the business as a whole, it contains in-depth coverage of all the key areas essential to the HR function such as employment law, employee relations, learning and development, performance and reward.
Accessible and to the point as ever, this fully updated 14th edition includes emerging theory and practice, embracing the most current thinking on engagement, talent management and leadership development. With updated case studies and references to academic journals, professional magazines and recent research and surveys, it also includes coverage of new approaches to topics such as job evaluation and pay structures.
Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice is aligned with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) professional map and standards, with the sections meeting CIPD learning outcomes now even clearer than before. Comprehensive online support material for instructors, students and HR managers are included. Resources for students and professionals include multiple-choice-questions, flash cards, case studies, further reading and a glossary of HRM terms.
Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice is the definitive resource for HRM students and professionals, helping readers understand and implement HR to align with business needs. This book provides detailed coverage of all areas essential to the HR function such as employment law, employee relations, learning and development, performance management and reward management. It also covers the HR skills needed to ensure professional success, including leadership, managing conflict, interviewing and using statistics.
It is illustrated throughout in full colour and has a range of pedagogical features to consolidate learning such as source review boxes, key learning points and case studies from international organizations such as IBM, HSBC and Johnson and Johnson. This fully updated 16th edition includes new chapters on managing remote workers and developments in digital human resource management practices. There are also updates to reflect the changes throughout the HR function, such as performance leadership, 'smart' reward and employee wellbeing.
Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice is suited to both professionals and students of undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. It is also aligned with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) profession map so can be used by those studying the Associate Level 5 and Advanced Level 7 qualifications. Online supporting resources include comprehensive handbooks for lecturers and students, lecture slides, all figures and tables, toolkits, and a literature review, glossary and bibliography.
- Höfundar: Michael Armstrong, Stephen Taylor
- Útgáfa:16
- Útgáfudagur: 2023-01-03
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781398606647
- Print ISBN: 9781398606630
- ISBN 10: 1398606642
- Cover
- Endorsements
- Seriespage
- Titlepage
- Contents in Brief
- Contents
- List of figures
- List of tables
- Preface
- PART I Fundamentals of human resource management
- 01 The essence of HRM
- Introduction
- The practice of HRM
- The HR architecture
- The HR system
- The philosophy of people management
- People practices
- References
- 02 Human capital management
- Introduction
- Human capital management defined
- The concept of human capital
- The constituents of human capital
- Measuring human capital
- Approaches to HRM raised by human capital theory
- HCM and investment decisions
- References
- 03 The context of HRM
- Introduction
- Environmental factors
- The labour market
- References
- 04 The future of work
- Introduction
- The nature of work
- Theories explaining the meaning of work
- What is happening to work?
- The factors affecting work
- What is happening to work now?
- What is going to happen to work?
- References
- 05 HRM and organizational performance
- Introduction
- Measuring organizational performance
- The impact of HR
- How HRM makes an impact
- The development of high-performance working
- High-performance work systems
- References
- 06 The ethical dimension of HRM
- Introduction
- The meaning and concerns of ethics
- The nature of ethical decisions and judgements
- Fairness
- Equity theory
- Justice
- HRM ethical guidelines
- Ethical dilemmas
- The ethical role of HR
- References
- 07 Corporate social responsibility
- Introduction
- Corporate social responsibility defined
- Strategic CSR defined
- CSR activities
- The rationale for CSR
- The opposing view
- Social responsibility investment criteria
- Benefits of CSR
- The basis for developing a CSR strategy
- The role of HR
- References
- 01 The essence of HRM
- 08 Strategic HRM
- Introduction
- The nature of strategic human resource management
- The resource-based view of SHRM
- Strategic fit
- Critical evaluation of the concept of SHRM
- References
- 09 HR strategy
- Introduction
- The nature of HR strategy
- Approaches to HR strategy
- Developing HR strategy
- Implementing HR strategy
- References
- 10 The role of HR
- Introduction
- The HR function
- The role of the HR professional
- References
- 11 The HRM role of line managers
- Introduction
- The people management role of line managers
- How well does devolution to line managers of HR responsibilities work?
- Factors affecting the quality of the implementation of HRM by line managers
- Dealing with the factors
- References
- 12 Evidence-based HRM
- Introduction
- Evidence-based HRM defined
- Evidence-based management
- The approach to evidence-based HRM
- References
- 13 HR analytics
- Introduction
- HR analytics defined
- The purpose of HR analytics
- The content of HR analytics
- The process of HR analytics
- Types of HR analytics
- Keeping people informed
- References
- 14 Digital HRM
- Introduction
- Digital HRM defined
- The purpose of digital HRM
- The uses of digital HRM
- Digital transformation
- Human resource information system (HRIS)
- Cloud computing
- Artificial intelligence
- Managing digital HRM
- References
- 15 Knowledge management
- Introduction
- Knowledge management defined
- The meaning of knowledge
- Approaches to knowledge management
- Knowledge management issues
- Implementing knowledge management
- References
- 16 Competency-based HRM
- Introduction
- Competency defined
- Knowledge, skills and abilities (KSAs)
- Competency frameworks
- Developing a competency framework
- Approaches to using competencies
- Applications of competency-based HRM
- Keys to success in using competencies
- References
- 17 Organizational behaviour
- Introduction
- Organizational behaviour defined
- The sources and applications of organizational behaviour theory
- How organizations function
- Organizational culture
- Organizational climate
- Organizational processes
- Characteristics of people
- Implications for HR specialists
- References
- 18 Organization design
- Introduction
- Organization design theories
- Organization design guidelines
- Organizational choice
- The approach to organization design
- Successful organization design
- References
- 19 Work design
- Introduction
- Work design – a short history
- Work system design
- Approaches to work design
- The role of HR in work design
- References
- 20 Job design
- Introduction
- Job quality
- What is a good job?
- The practice of job design
- Principles of job design
- Approaches to job design
- Responsibility for job design
- Job crafting
- References
- 21 Organization development
- Introduction
- Organization development defined
- The nature of organization development
- The story of organization development
- Organization development strategy
- Organization development programmes
- Organizational diagnosis
- Conclusions on organization development
- References
- 22 Motivation
- Introduction
- The meaning of motivation
- Reinforcement theory
- Content theory
- Process theory
- Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
- Motivation and job satisfaction
- Motivation and financial incentives
- Conclusions on motivation theory
- Motivation strategies
- References
- 23 Commitment
- Introduction
- The meaning of organizational commitment
- Mutuality and commitment
- Commitment and performance
- The mutual gains perspective
- Commitment and engagement
- Factors affecting commitment
- Critical evaluation of the concept of commitment
- Developing a commitment strategy
- References
- 24 Employee engagement
- Introduction
- The meaning of employee engagement
- The theory of engagement
- The components of employee engagement
- Drivers of employee engagement
- Outcomes of engagement
- Engagement strategy
- Enhancing job engagement
- Enhancing organizational engagement
- Burnout
- Measuring engagement
- Critical evaluation of the concept of employee engagement
- References
- 25 Resourcing strategy
- Introduction
- Strategic resourcing
- The nature of resourcing strategies
- Reference
- 26 Workforce planning
- Introduction
- Workforce planning defined
- The link between workforce and business/corporate planning
- Incidence of workforce planning
- Workforce planning issues
- Systematic workforce planning
- Approach to workforce planning
- References
- 27 Recruitment and selection
- Introduction
- The recruitment and selection process
- Defining requirements
- Attracting candidates
- Sourcing candidates
- Screening applications
- Selection methods
- Selection interviews
- Selection testing
- Assessment centres
- Making the decision
- Provisional offers and obtaining references
- Offering employment
- Following up
- Dealing with recruitment problems
- References
- 28 Talent management
- Introduction
- Talent management defined
- Talent management policy
- Talent management strategy
- The process of talent management
- The talent pool
- Talent planning
- Resourcing
- Identifying talent
- Talent development
- References
- 29 The employee experience
- Introduction
- The concept of the employee experience
- References
- 30 Managing employment
- Introduction
- Introduction to the organization
- Managing employee retention
- Employee turnover
- Redundancy
- Fire and rehire
- Dismissal
- Absence management
- Presenteeism
- References
- 31 Managing diversity and inclusion
- Introduction
- The meaning and significance of managing diversity and inclusion
- The rationale for managing diversity and inclusion
- How to manage diversity and inclusion
- References
- 32 Managing flexibility
- Introduction
- Forms of flexibility
- Flexible working
- Zero-hours contracts
- The role of HR
- References
- 33 Managing home and hybrid working
- Introduction
- Incidence of home and hybrid working
- Working from home: general considerations
- Employers
- Line managers
- Individual employees
- Managing home and hybrid working processes
- References
- 34 The basis of learning and development
- Introduction
- Learning and development defined
- The basis of learning
- The elements of learning and development
- Formal and informal learning
- Connected learning
- The components of learning and development
- Relationships between L&D and other people management activities
- The ethical dimension
- The state of L&D
- References
- 35 Strategic learning and development
- Introduction
- Strategic learning and development
- Learning and development strategies
- Formulating and implementing L&D strategies
- Reference
- 36 Organizational learning and the learning organization
- Introduction
- Organizational learning
- The learning organization
- Comparison of the organizational learning and learning organization concepts
- References
- 37 Individual learning
- Introduction
- The characteristics of individual learning
- How people learn
- The 70:20:10 model
- Self-directed learning
- Learning to learn
- Personal development planning
- Continuing professional development
- References
- 38 The process of learning and development
- Introduction
- Identify learning needs
- Planning learning and development
- Implement
- Evaluate learning
- References
- 39 The practice of learning and development
- Introduction
- Workplace learning
- Social learning
- Digital learning
- Training
- Apprenticeships
- References
- 40 Leadership and management development
- Introduction
- Leadership and management development defined
- The nature of leadership and management
- Leadership development
- Management development
- Criteria for leadership and management development
- References
- 41 The basis of performance management
- Introduction
- Performance management defined
- The purpose and aims of performance management
- The nature of performance management
- The impact of performance management
- Performance management – the ethical dimension
- Factors affecting the approach to managing performance
- Choice of approach to managing performance
- How managers can manage performance
- References
- 42 Performance management systems
- Introduction
- Features of a performance management system
- Performance and development planning
- Monitoring
- Reviewing
- 360-degree feedback
- The reality of performance management
- Performance management issues
- References
- 43 Performance leadership
- Introduction
- What ‘engaging managers’ do
- The concept of performance leadership
- Performance leadership skills
- Performance conversations
- Conclusion
- References
- 44 The basis of reward management
- Introduction
- Reward management defined
- The reward system
- Aims of reward management
- Reward drivers
- Values and beliefs
- Reward policy
- Financial rewards
- Non-financial rewards
- Total reward
- References
- 45 Reward strategy
- Introduction
- The content of reward strategy
- Formulating reward strategy
- Critical evaluation of the concept of reward strategy
- References
- 46 The practice of reward management
- Introduction
- Market pricing
- Job evaluation
- Base pay management
- Contingent pay
- Recognition schemes
- Employee benefits
- Administering reward management
- References
- 47 Managing reward for special groups
- Introduction
- Executive remuneration
- Reward management for sales and customer service staff
- Paying manual workers
- References
- 48 Reducing the gender pay gap
- Introduction
- Reasons for the gender pay gap
- Actions to reduce gender pay gaps
- Narrowing the gap at organizational level
- References
- 49 The basis of employment relations
- Introduction
- The meaning of employment relations
- Approaches to employment relations
- Management style in employment relations
- Employment relations policies
- References
- 50 Employment relations strategy
- Introduction
- The nature of employment relations strategy
- Strategy for creating a constructive and positive employment relations climate
- Strategy for achieving mutual gains
- Partnership agreement strategy
- Strategy for building trust
- Employee voice strategy
- Trade union recognition strategy
- References
- 51 The employment relationship
- Introduction
- The nature of the employment relationship
- The basis of the employment relationship
- Labour process theory and the employment relationship
- Employment relationship contracts
- Managing the employment relationship
- Developing a climate of trust
- References
- 52 The psychological contract
- Introduction
- The psychological contract defined
- The significance of the psychological contract
- The psychological contract and the employment relationship
- How psychological contracts develop
- The problem with psychological contracts
- Developing and maintaining a positive psychological contract
- References
- 53 The practice of industrial relations
- Introduction
- Trade union membership
- Union recognition
- Collective bargaining
- Collective agreements
- Dispute resolution
- Informal employee relations processes
- References
- 54 Employee voice
- Introduction
- The need for employee voice
- Degrees of employee voice
- Direct voice
- Indirect voice
- Employees’ experience of voice
- References
- 55 Employee communications
- Introduction
- The importance of communications
- What should be communicated
- Approach to communications
- Communication channels
- Employee communication strategy
- References
- 56 Principles and practice of employee wellbeing
- Introduction
- The basis of wellbeing
- The case for caring about wellbeing
- Factors affecting wellbeing
- Employee wellbeing strategy
- References
- 57 Health and safety
- Introduction
- Managing health and safety at work
- Health and safety policies
- Conducting risk assessments
- Health and safety audits
- Health and safety inspections
- Accident prevention
- Occupational health programmes
- Managing stress
- Measuring health and safety performance
- Communicating the need for better health and safety practices
- Health and safety training
- Organizing health and safety
- References
- 58 HR policies
- Introduction
- Why have HR policies?
- Overall HR policy
- Specific HR policies
- Developing HR policies
- Implementing HR policies
- 59 HR procedures
- Introduction
- Capability procedure
- Disciplinary procedure
- Grievance procedure
- Redundancy procedure
- 60 Dealing with the legal aspects of employment
- Introduction
- Employment law provisions
- How is employment law enforced?
- HRM and employment law
- Dealing with Employment Tribunal claims and cases
- References
- 61 The basis of international HRM
- Introduction
- The international scene
- International HRM strategies
- Contextual factors
- Convergence and divergence
- References
- 62 The practice of international HRM
- Introduction
- HR in international subsidiaries
- Differences between international and domestic HRM
- Workforce planning
- Resourcing
- International talent management
- International performance management
- International reward management
- Multicultural working
- Role of the international HR function
- References
- 63 Managing expatriates
- Introduction
- Why use expatriates?
- The process of managing expatriates
- Resourcing policies
- Recruitment and selection policies
- Preparation policy
- Assimilation and support
- Career management
- Performance management
- Re-entry policies
- Pay and allowances policies
- References
- 64 Strategic people management skills
- Introduction
- The strategic role of the HR professional
- The strategic business partner model
- The strategic skills required
- Reference
- 65 Business skills
- Introduction
- Business skills
- Financial skills
- Business models
- Business model innovation
- References
- 66 Dealing with business issues from an HR perspective
- Introduction
- Identify business issues
- Establish people factors
- Critically analyse relevant HR policy and practice
- Conduct or participate in research
- Analyse quantitative and qualitative information
- Draw conclusions
- Prepare and make the business case
- Reference
- 67 Problem-solving and decision-making skills
- Introduction
- Problem solving
- Decision making
- References
- 68 Analytical and critical skills
- Introduction
- Analytical skills
- Diagnostic skills
- Logical reasoning
- Critical thinking
- Critical evaluation
- Developing and justifying arguments
- A final word
- References
- 69 Research skills
- Introduction
- The nature of research
- Planning and conducting research programmes
- Research methodology
- Methods of collecting data
- Processes involved in research
- References
- 70 Statistical skills
- Introduction
- Frequency
- Measures of central tendency
- Measures of dispersion
- Correlation
- Regression
- Causality
- Tests of significance
- Testing hypotheses
- References
- 71 Selection interviewing skills
- Introduction
- Preparing for the interview
- Conducting a selection interview
- Types of interviews
- Selection interview questions
- Common interviewing mistakes
- Coming to a conclusion
- References
- 72 Job, role and skills analysis and competency modelling
- Introduction
- Definitions
- Job analysis
- Job descriptions
- Role analysis and role profiles
- Skills analysis
- Competency modelling
- References
- 73 Learning and development skills
- Introduction
- Coaching
- Mentoring
- Facilitating
- Job instruction
- References
- 74 Negotiating skills
- Introduction
- The process of negotiation
- Stages of negotiation
- Negotiating and bargaining skills
- Reference
- 75 Change management
- Introduction
- Change
- The process of change management
- The responsibility for change
- Guidelines for change management
- References
- 76 Influencing skills
- Introduction
- Persuading people
- Case presentation
- Making a business case
- Facilitating
- Coordinating discussions
- 77 Leadership
- Introduction
- The meaning of leadership
- Leadership theories
- What leaders do
- Leadership styles
- Types of leaders
- The qualities of a good leader
- Effective leadership
- References
- 78 Handling people problems
- Introduction
- Approach
- Disciplinary issues
- Absenteeism
- Handling poor timekeeping
- Handling negative behaviour
- Dealing with under-performance
- 79 Handling challenging conversations
- 80 Managing conflict
- Introduction
- Handling inter-group conflict
- Handling interpersonal conflict
- Resolving conflict between team members
- Reference
- 81 Political skills
- Introduction
- Typical political approaches
- Using political means to get things done
- Political sensitivity
- Dangers of politics
- Dealing with organizational politics
- Reference
- 82 Project management
- Introduction
- Project planning
- Setting up the project
- Controlling the project
- 83 Trends in HRM
- Introduction
- Overall trends
- Specific trends
- References
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6047
- Útgáfuár : 2017
- Leyfi : 379