Bring your ideas to life with the latest Arduino hardware and software Arduino is an affordable and readily available hardware development platform based around an open source, programmable circuit board. You can combine this programmable chip with a variety of sensors and actuators to sense your environment around you and control lights, motors, and sound. This flexible and easy-to-use combination of hardware and software can be used to create interactive robots, product prototypes and electronic artwork, whether you’re an artist, designer or tinkerer.
Arduino For Dummies is a great place to start if you want to find out about Arduino and make the most of its incredible capabilities. It helps you become familiar with Arduino and what it involves, and offers inspiration for completing new and exciting projects. • Covers the latest software and hardware currently on the market • Includes updated examples and circuit board diagrams in addition to new resource chapters • Offers simple examples to teach fundamentals needed to move onto more advanced topics • Helps you grasp what’s possible with this fantastic little board Whether you’re a teacher, student, programmer, hobbyist, hacker, engineer, designer, or scientist, get ready to learn the latest this new technology has to offer!.
- Höfundur: John Nussey
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-08-10
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119489573
- Print ISBN: 9781119489542
- ISBN 10: 1119489571
- Cover
- Foreword
- Introduction
- About This Book
- Foolish Assumptions
- Icons Used in This Book
- Beyond the Book
- Where to Go from Here
- Part 1: Getting to Know Arduino
- Chapter 1: Discovering Arduino
- Where Did Arduino Come From?
- Learning by Doing
- Electronics
- Open Source
- Chapter 2: Finding Your Board and Your Way Around It
- Getting to Know the Arduino Uno
- Discovering Other Arduino Boards
- Shopping for Arduino
- Kitted Out: Starting with a Beginner’s Kit
- Preparing a Workspace
- Installing Arduino
- Surveying the Arduino Environment
- Using Arduino Web Editor
- Chapter 3: Blinking an LED
- Working with Your First Arduino Sketch
- Looking Closer at the Sketch
- Blinking Brighter
- Tweaking the Sketch
- Chapter 1: Discovering Arduino
- Chapter 4: Tools of the Trade
- Finding the Right Tools for the Job
- Using a Multimeter to Measure Voltage, Current, and Resistance
- Chapter 5: A Primer on Electricity and Circuitry
- Understanding Electricity
- Using Equations to Build Your Circuits
- Working with Circuit Diagrams
- Color-Coding
- Datasheets
- Resistor Color Charts
- Chapter 6: Basic Sketches: Inputs, Outputs, and Communication
- Uploading a Sketch
- Using Pulse-Width Modulation (PWM)
- The LED Fade Sketch
- The Button Sketch
- The AnalogInput Sketch
- Talking Serial
- Chapter 7: More Basic Sketches: Motion and Sound
- Working with Electric Motors
- Discovering Diodes
- Spinning a DC Motor
- Changing the Speed of Your Motor
- Controlling the Speed of Your Motor
- Getting to Know Servo motors
- Creating Sweeping Movements
- Controlling Your Servo
- Making Noises
- Making an Instrument
- Chapter 8: Learning by Example
- Skube
- Chorus
- Push Snowboarding
- Baker Tweet
- The National Maritime Museum’s Compass Lounge and Compass Card
- The Good Night Lamp
- Little Printer
- Flap to Freedom
- Chapter 9: Soldering On
- Understanding Soldering
- Gathering What You Need for Soldering
- Staying Safe while Soldering
- Assembling a Shield
- Acquiring Your Soldering Technique
- Building Your Circuit
- Packaging Your Project
- Chapter 10: Getting Clever with Code
- Blinking Better
- Taking the Bounce Out of Your Button
- Making a Better Button
- Smoothing Your Sensors
- Calibrating Your Inputs
- Chapter 11: Common Sense with Common Sensors
- Making Buttons Easier
- Exploring Piezo Sensors
- Utilizing Pressure, Force, and Load Sensors
- Sensing with Style
- Tripping Along with Lasers
- Detecting Movement
- Measuring Distance
- Testing, Testing … Can Anybody Hear This?
- Chapter 12: Becoming a Specialist with Shields and Libraries
- Looking at Shields
- Browsing the Libraries
- Chapter 13: Getting to Know Processing
- Looking Under the Hood
- Trying Your First Processing Sketch
- Chapter 14: Processing the Physical World
- Making a Virtual Button
- Drawing a Graph
- Sending Multiple Signals
- Chapter 15: Ten Places to Learn More about Arduino
- Arduino Blog
- Hack a Day
- SparkFun
- Adafruit
- Instructables
- YouTube
- Hackerspaces
- Forum
- Friends, Colleagues, and Workshops
- Chapter 16: Ten Great Shops to Know
- Adafruit
- Arduino Store
- Seeed Studio
- SparkFun
- Allied Electroncs
- Newark Electronics
- Mouser
- Digi-Key
- eBay
- Dumpster Diving
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11069
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 379