Analysis of Financial Time Series
14.990 kr.

- HAG606G Hagrannsóknir III
- Höfundur: Ruey S. Tsay
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2010-09-13
- Blaðsíður: 677
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781118305751
- Print ISBN: 9780470414354
- ISBN 10: 1118305752
- Analysis of Financial Time Series
- Contents
- Preface
- Preface to the Second Edition
- Preface to the First Edition
- 1 Financial Time Series and Their Characteristics
- 1.1 Asset Returns
- 1.2 Distributional Properties of Returns
- 1.2.1 Review of Statistical Distributions and Their Moments
- 1.2.2 Distributions of Returns
- 1.2.3 Multivariate Returns
- 1.2.4 Likelihood Function of Returns
- 1.2.5 Empirical Properties of Returns
- 1.3 Processes Considered
- Appendix: R Packages
- Exercises
- References
- 2 Linear Time Series Analysis and Its Applications
- 2.1 Stationarity
- 2.2 Correlation and Autocorrelation Function
- 2.3 White Noise and Linear Time Series
- 2.4 Simple AR Models
- 2.4.1 Properties of AR Models
- 2.4.2 Identifying AR Models in Practice
- 2.4.3 Goodness of Fit
- 2.4.4 Forecasting
- 2.5 Simple MA Models
- 2.5.1 Properties of MA Models
- 2.5.2 Identifying MA Order
- 2.5.3 Estimation
- 2.5.4 Forecasting Using MA Models
- 2.6 Simple ARMA Models
- 2.6.1 Properties of ARMA(1,1) Models
- 2.6.2 General ARMA Models
- 2.6.3 Identifying ARMA Models
- 2.6.4 Forecasting Using an ARMA Model
- 2.6.5 Three Model Representations for an ARMA Model
- 2.7 Unit-Root Nonstationarity
- 2.7.1 Random Walk
- 2.7.2 Random Walk with Drift
- 2.7.3 Trend-Stationary Time Series
- 2.7.4 General Unit-Root Nonstationary Models
- 2.7.5 Unit-Root Test
- 2.8 Seasonal Models
- 2.8.1 Seasonal Differencing
- 2.8.2 Multiplicative Seasonal Models
- 2.9 Regression Models with Time Series Errors
- 2.10 Consistent Covariance Matrix Estimation
- 2.11 Long-Memory Models
- Appendix: Some SCA Commands
- Exercises
- References
- 3 Conditional Heteroscedastic Models
- 3.1 Characteristics of Volatility
- 3.2 Structure of a Model
- 3.3 Model Building
- 3.3.1 Testing for ARCH Effect
- 3.4 The ARCH Model
- 3.4.1 Properties of ARCH Models
- 3.4.2 Weaknesses of ARCH Models
- 3.4.3 Building an ARCH Model
- 3.4.4 Some Examples
- 3.5 The GARCH Model
- 3.5.1 An Illustrative Example
- 3.5.2 Forecasting Evaluation
- 3.5.3 A Two-Pass Estimation Method
- 3.6 The Integrated GARCH Model
- 3.7 The GARCH-M Model
- 3.8 The Exponential GARCH Model
- 3.8.1 Alternative Model Form
- 3.8.2 Illustrative Example
- 3.8.3 Second Example
- 3.8.4 Forecasting Using an EGARCH Model
- 3.9 The Threshold GARCH Model
- 3.10 The CHARMA Model
- 3.10.1 Effects of Explanatory Variables
- 3.11 Random Coefficient Autoregressive Models
- 3.12 Stochastic Volatility Model
- 3.13 Long-Memory Stochastic Volatility Model
- 3.14 Application
- 3.15 Alternative Approaches
- 3.15.1 Use of High-Frequency Data
- 3.15.2 Use of Daily Open, High, Low, and Close Prices
- 3.16 Kurtosis of GARCH Models
- Appendix: Some RATS Programs for Estimating Volatility Models
- Exercises
- References
- 4 Nonlinear Models and Their Applications
- 4.1 Nonlinear Models
- 4.1.1 Bilinear Model
- 4.1.2 Threshold Autoregressive (TAR) Model
- 4.1.3 Smooth Transition AR (STAR) Model
- 4.1.4 Markov Switching Model
- 4.1.5 Nonparametric Methods
- 4.1.6 Functional Coefficient AR Model
- 4.1.7 Nonlinear Additive AR Model
- 4.1.8 Nonlinear State-Space Model
- 4.1.9 Neural Networks
- 4.2 Nonlinearity Tests
- 4.2.1 Nonparametric Tests
- 4.2.2 Parametric Tests
- 4.2.3 Applications
- 4.3 Modeling
- 4.4 Forecasting
- 4.4.1 Parametric Bootstrap
- 4.4.2 Forecasting Evaluation
- 4.5 Application
- Appendix A: Some RATS Programs for Nonlinear Volatility Models
- Appendix B: R and S-Plus Commands for Neural Network
- Exercises
- References
- 4.1 Nonlinear Models
- 5 High-Frequency Data Analysis and Market Microstructure
- 5.1 Nonsynchronous Trading
- 5.2 Bid–Ask Spread
- 5.3 Empirical Characteristics of Transactions Data
- 5.4 Models for Price Changes
- 5.4.1 Ordered Probit Model
- 5.4.2 Decomposition Model
- 5.5 Duration Models
- 5.5.1 The ACD Model
- 5.5.2 Simulation
- 5.5.3 Estimation
- 5.6 Nonlinear Duration Models
- 5.7 Bivariate Models for Price Change and Duration
- 5.8 Application
- Appendix A: Review of Some Probability Distributions
- Appendix B: Hazard Function
- Appendix C: Some RATS Programs for Duration Models
- Exercises
- References
- 6 Continuous-Time Models and Their Applications
- 6.1 Options
- 6.2 Some Continuous-Time Stochastic Processes
- 6.2.1 Wiener Process
- 6.2.2 Generalized Wiener Process
- 6.2.3 Ito Process
- 6.3 Ito’s Lemma
- 6.3.1 Review of Differentiation
- 6.3.2 Stochastic Differentiation
- 6.3.3 An Application
- 6.3.4 Estimation of µ and ó
- 6.4 Distributions of Stock Prices and Log Returns
- 6.5 Derivation of Black–Scholes Differential Equation
- 6.6 Black–Scholes Pricing Formulas
- 6.6.1 Risk-Neutral World
- 6.6.2 Formulas
- 6.6.3 Lower Bounds of European Options
- 6.6.4 Discussion
- 6.7 Extension of Ito’s Lemma
- 6.8 Stochastic Integral
- 6.9 Jump Diffusion Models
- 6.9.1 Option Pricing under Jump Diffusion
- 6.10 Estimation of Continuous-Time Models
- Appendix A: Integration of Black–Scholes Formula
- Appendix B: Approximation to Standard Normal Probability
- Exercises
- References
- 7 Extreme Values, Quantiles, and Value at Risk
- 7.1 Value at Risk
- 7.2 RiskMetrics
- 7.2.1 Discussion
- 7.2.2 Multiple Positions
- 7.2.3 Expected Shortfall
- 7.3 Econometric Approach to VaR Calculation
- 7.3.1 Multiple Periods
- 7.3.2 Expected Shortfall under Conditional Normality
- 7.4 Quantile Estimation
- 7.4.1 Quantile and Order Statistics
- 7.4.2 Quantile Regression
- 7.5 Extreme Value Theory
- 7.5.1 Review of Extreme Value Theory
- 7.5.2 Empirical Estimation
- 7.5.3 Application to Stock Returns
- 7.6 Extreme Value Approach to VaR
- 7.6.1 Discussion
- 7.6.2 Multiperiod VaR
- 7.6.3 Return Level
- 7.7 New Approach Based on the Extreme Value Theory
- 7.7.1 Statistical Theory
- 7.7.2 Mean Excess Function
- 7.7.3 New Approach to Modeling Extreme Values
- 7.7.4 VaR Calculation Based on the New Approach
- 7.7.5 Alternative Parameterization
- 7.7.6 Use of Explanatory Variables
- 7.7.7 Model Checking
- 7.7.8 An Illustration
- 7.8 The Extremal Index
- 7.8.1 The D(un) Condition
- 7.8.2 Estimation of the Extremal Index
- 7.8.3 Value at Risk for a Stationary Time Series
- Exercises
- References
- 8 Multivariate Time Series Analysis and Its Applications
- 8.1 Weak Stationarity and Cross-Correlation Matrices
- 8.1.1 Cross-Correlation Matrices
- 8.1.2 Linear Dependence
- 8.1.3 Sample Cross-Correlation Matrices
- 8.1.4 Multivariate Portmanteau Tests
- 8.2 Vector Autoregressive Models
- 8.2.1 Reduced and Structural Forms
- 8.2.2 Stationarity Condition and Moments of a VAR(1) Model
- 8.2.3 Vector AR(p) Models
- 8.2.4 Building a VAR(p) Model
- 8.2.5 Impulse Response Function
- 8.3 Vector Moving-Average Models
- 8.4 Vector ARMA Models
- 8.4.1 Marginal Models of Components
- 8.5 Unit-Root Nonstationarity and Cointegration
- 8.5.1 An Error Correction Form
- 8.6 Cointegrated VAR Models
- 8.6.1 Specification of the Deterministic Function
- 8.6.2 Maximum-Likelihood Estimation
- 8.6.3 Cointegration Test
- 8.6.4 Forecasting of Cointegrated VAR Models
- 8.6.5 An Example
- 8.7 Threshold Cointegration and Arbitrage
- 8.7.1 Multivariate Threshold Model
- 8.7.2 The Data
- 8.7.3 Estimation
- 8.8 Pairs Trading
- 8.8.1 Theoretical Framework
- 8.8.2 Trading Strategy
- 8.8.3 Simple Illustration
- Appendix A: Review of Vectors and Matrices
- Appendix B: Multivariate Normal Distributions
- Appendix C: Some SCA Commands
- Exercises
- References
- 8.1 Weak Stationarity and Cross-Correlation Matrices
- 9 Principal Component Analysis and Factor Models
- 9.1 A Factor Model
- 9.2 Macroeconometric Factor Models
- 9.2.1 Single-Factor Model
- 9.2.2 Multifactor Models
- 9.3 Fundamental Factor Models
- 9.3.1 BARRA Factor Model
- 9.3.2 Fama–French Approach
- 9.4 Principal Component Analysis
- 9.4.1 Theory of PCA
- 9.4.2 Empirical PCA
- 9.5 Statistical Factor Analysis
- 9.5.1 Estimation
- 9.5.2 Factor Rotation
- 9.5.3 Applications
- 9.6 Asymptotic Principal Component Analysis
- 9.6.1 Selecting the Number of Factors
- 9.6.2 An Example
- Exercises
- References
- 10 Multivariate Volatility Models and Their Applications
- 10.1 Exponentially Weighted Estimate
- 10.2 Some Multivariate GARCH Models
- 10.2.1 Diagonal Vectorization (VEC) Model
- 10.2.2 BEKK Model
- 10.3 Reparameterization
- 10.3.1 Use of Correlations
- 10.3.2 Cholesky Decomposition
- 10.4 GARCH Models for Bivariate Returns
- 10.4.1 Constant-Correlation Models
- 10.4.2 Time-Varying Correlation Models
- 10.4.3 Dynamic Correlation Models
- 10.5 Higher Dimensional Volatility Models
- 10.6 Factor–Volatility Models
- 10.7 Application
- 10.8 Multivariate t Distribution
- Appendix: Some Remarks on Estimation
- Exercises
- References
- 11 State-Space Models and Kalman Filter
- 11.1 Local Trend Model
- 11.1.1 Statistical Inference
- 11.1.2 Kalman Filter
- 11.1.3 Properties of Forecast Error
- 11.1.4 State Smoothing
- 11.1.5 Missing Values
- 11.1.6 Effect of Initialization
- 11.1.7 Estimation
- 11.1.8 S-Plus Commands Used
- 11.2 Linear State-Space Models
- 11.3 Model Transformation
- 11.3.1 CAPM with Time-Varying Coefficients
- 11.3.2 ARMA Models
- 11.3.3 Linear Regression Model
- 11.3.4 Linear Regression Models with ARMA Errors
- 11.3.5 Scalar Unobserved Component Model
- 11.4 Kalman Filter and Smoothing
- 11.4.1 Kalman Filter
- 11.4.2 State Estimation Error and Forecast Error
- 11.4.3 State Smoothing
- 11.4.4 Disturbance Smoothing
- 11.5 Missing Values
- 11.6 Forecasting
- 11.7 Application
- Exercises
- References
- 11.1 Local Trend Model
- 12 Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods with Applications
- 12.1 Markov Chain Simulation
- 12.2 Gibbs Sampling
- 12.3 Bayesian Inference
- 12.3.1 Posterior Distributions
- 12.3.2 Conjugate Prior Distributions
- 12.4 Alternative Algorithms
- 12.4.1 Metropolis Algorithm
- 12.4.2 Metropolis–Hasting Algorithm
- 12.4.3 Griddy Gibbs
- 12.5 Linear Regression with Time Series Errors
- 12.6 Missing Values and Outliers
- 12.6.1 Missing Values
- 12.6.2 Outlier Detection
- 12.7 Stochastic Volatility Models
- 12.7.1 Estimation of Univariate Models
- 12.7.2 Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Models
- 12.8 New Approach to SV Estimation
- 12.9 Markov Switching Models
- 12.10 Forecasting
- 12.11 Other Applications
- Exercises
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6137
- Útgáfuár : 2010
- Leyfi : 379