An Introduction to Dynamic Meteorology

During the past decade, the science of dynamic meteorology has continued its rapid advance. The scope of dynamic meteorology has broadened considerably. Much of the material is based on a two-term course for seniors majoring in atmospheric sciences. This book presents a cogent explanation of the fundamentals of meteorology and explains storm dynamics for weather-oriented meteorologists. It discusses climate dynamics and the implications posed for global change.
The new edition has added a companion website with MATLAB exercises and updated treatments of several key topics. Provides clear physical explanations of key dynamical principles Contains a wealth of illustrations to elucidate text and equations, plus end-of-chapter problems Holton is one of the leading authorities in contemporary meteorology, and well known for his clear writing style Instructor's Manual available to adopters NEW IN THIS EDITION A companion website with MATLAB® exercises and demonstrations Updated treatments on climate dynamics, tropical meteorology, middle atmosphere dynamics, and numerical prediction.
- Höfundar: James R. Holton, Gregory J Hakim
- Útgáfa:5
- Útgáfudagur: 12/2012
- Blaðsíður: 552
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780123848673
- Print ISBN: 9780123848666
- ISBN 10: 0123848679
- Cover image
- Title page
- Table of Contents
- Copyright
- Dedication
- Preface
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- 1.1 Dynamic Meteorology
- 1.2 Conservation of Momentum
- 1.3 Noninertial Reference Frames and “Apparent” Forces
- 1.4 Structure of the Static Atmosphere
- 1.5 Kinematics
- 1.6 Scale Analysis
- Suggested References
- Chapter 2. Basic Conservation Laws
- 2.1 Total Differentiation
- 2.2 The Vectorial Form of the Momentum Equation in Rotating Coordinates
- 2.3 Component Equations in Spherical Coordinates
- 2.4 Scale Analysis of the Equations of Motion
- 2.5 The Continuity Equation
- 2.6 The Thermodynamic Energy Equation
- 2.7 Thermodynamics of the Dry Atmosphere
- 2.8 The Boussinesq Approximation
- 2.9 Thermodynamics of the Moist Atmosphere
- Suggested References
- Chapter 3. Elementary Applications of the Basic Equations
- 3.1 Basic Equations in Isobaric Coordinates
- 3.2 Balanced Flow
- 3.3 Trajectories and Streamlines
- 3.4 The Thermal Wind
- 3.5 Vertical Motion
- 3.6 Surface Pressure Tendency
- Chapter 4. Circulation, Vorticity, and Potential Vorticity
- 4.1 The Circulation Theorem
- 4.2 Vorticity
- 4.3 The Vorticity Equation
- 4.4 Potential Vorticity
- 4.5 Shallow Water Equations
- 4.6 Ertel Potential Vorticity in Isentropic Coordinates
- Suggested References
- Chapter 5. Atmospheric Oscillations: Linear Perturbation Theory
- 5.1 The Perturbation Method
- 5.2 Properties of Waves
- 5.3 Simple Wave Types
- 5.4 Internal Gravity (Buoyancy) Waves
- 5.5 Linear Waves of A Rotating Stratified Atmosphere
- 5.6 Adjustment to Geostrophic Balance
- 5.7 Rossby Waves
- Suggested References
- Chapter 6. Quasi-geostrophic Analysis
- 6.1 The Observed Structure of Extratropical Circulations
- 6.2 Derivation of the Quasi-Geostrophic Equations
- 6.3 Potential vorticity derivation of the QG equations
- 6.4 Potential Vorticity Thinking
- 6.5 Vertical Motion (w) Thinking
- 6.6 Idealized Model of a Baroclinic Disturbance
- 6.7 Isobaric Form of the QG Equations
- Suggested References
- Chapter 7. Baroclinic Development
- 7.1 Hydrodynamic Instability
- 7.2 Normal Mode Baroclinic Instability: A Two-Layer Model
- 7.3 The Energetics of Baroclinic Waves
- 7.4 Baroclinic Instability of a Continuously Stratified Atmosphere
- 7.5 Growth and Propagation of Neutral Modes
- Suggested References
- Chapter 8. The Planetary Boundary Layer
- 8.1 Atmospheric Turbulence
- 8.2 Turbulent Kinetic Energy
- 8.3 Planetary Boundary Layer Momentum Equations
- 8.4 Secondary Circulations and Spin Down
- Suggested References
- Chapter 9. Mesoscale Circulations
- 9.1 Energy Sources for Mesoscale Circulations
- 9.2 Fronts and Frontogenesis
- 9.3 Symmetric Baroclinic Instability
- 9.4 Mountain Waves
- 9.5 Cumulus Convection
- 9.6 Convective Storms
- 9.7 Hurricanes
- Suggested References
- Chapter 10. The General Circulation
- 10.1 The Nature of the Problem
- 10.2 The Zonally Averaged Circulation
- 10.3 The Angular Momentum Budget
- 10.4 The Lorenz Energy Cycle
- 10.5 Longitudinally Dependent Time-Averaged Flow
- 10.6 Low-Frequency Variability
- 10.7 Numerical Simulation of the General Circulation
- 10.8 Climate Sensitivity, Feedbacks, and Uncertainty
- Suggested References
- Chapter 11. Tropical Dynamics
- 11.1 The Observed Structure of Large-Scale Tropical Circulations
- 11.2 Scale Analysis of Large-Scale Tropical Motions
- 11.3 Condensation Heating
- 11.4 Equatorial Wave Theory
- 11.5 Steady Forced Equatorial Motions
- Suggested References
- Chapter 12. Middle Atmosphere Dynamics
- 12.1 Structure and Circulation of the Middle Atmosphere
- 12.2 The Zonal-Mean Circulation of the Middle Atmosphere
- 12.3 Vertically Propagating Planetary Waves
- 12.4 Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
- 12.5 Waves in the Equatorial Stratosphere
- 12.6 The Quasi-Biennial Oscillation
- 12.7 Trace Constituent Transport
- Suggested References
- Chapter 13. Numerical Modeling and Prediction
- 13.1 Historical Background
- 13.2 Numerical Approximation of the Equations of Motion
- 13.3 The Barotropic Vorticity Equation in Finite Differences
- 13.4 The Spectral Method
- 13.5 Primitive Equation Models
- 13.6 Data Assimilation
- 13.7 Predictability and Ensemble Forecasting
- Suggested References
- Appendix A: Useful Constants and Parameters
- Appendix B: List of Symbols
- Appendix C: Vector Analysis
- C.1 Vector Identities
- C.2 Integral Theorems
- C.3 Vector Operations in Various Coordinate Systems
- Appendix D: Moisture Variables
- D.1 Equivalent Potential Temperature
- D.2 Pseudoadiabatic Lapse Rate
- Appendix E: Standard Atmosphere Data
- Appendix F: Symmetric Baroclinic Oscillations
- Appendix G: Conditional Probability and Likelihood
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18811
- Útgáfuár : 2012
- Leyfi : 380