`Ageing in Society brings forth exciting new questions, fresh perspectives, and a necessary critical approach to key issues - this is indeed an authoritative introduction. The authors not only have made significant contributions to gerontology, but offer the reader considerations for what could be, not just what is, the design of old age in society. The book will inform students in ways that so many texts in the area, satisfied with comfortable bromides, do not′ - Jaber Gubrium, Editor of Journal of Aging Studies, University of Missouri-Columbia `This completely revised Third Edition of Ageing in Society presents one of the most comprehensive pictures of ageing today.
Emphasising the dual processes of ageing societies and the experience of ageing, the book offers the reader - student or researcher alike - cogent discussions of the most up to date perspectives and evidence available. The contributors are all leading experts in their fields - comprising a range of important disciplines as they apply to ageing. Ageing in Society is a cutting edge text on one of the most important subjects facing the modern world - a must for all students of ageing′ - Mike Bury, Emeritus Professor of Sociology, University of London `The Third Edition of the comprehensive textbook Ageing in Society extends its scope to include continental Europe, allowing broader as well as deeper insights into recent trends in gerontology.
Gerontologists and practitioners are urged not to stop reading before they have reached the insightful last chapter "Ageing into the future"!′ - Professor Dorly Deeg, Editor-in-Chief European Journal of Ageing The Third Edition of this popular and widely-used text provides a comprehensive introduction to the study of ageing, exploring the key theories, concepts and methods which the behavioural and social sciences contribute to the subject.
Thoroughly revised and updated, Ageing in Society reflects new trends in gerontology, incorporating recent developments in theory and research as well as major international and interdisciplinary perspectives. A new chapter on cognitive ageing has been added and key themes, such as social protection, retirement, health and illness, and cultural images of old age are also critically examined. Ageing in Society was developed by the British Society of Gerontology to fulfil the need for an authoritative introduction to social gerontology.
- Höfundur: Author
- Útgáfa:3
- Útgáfudagur: 2007-02-22
- Blaðsíður: 384
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781446222744
- Print ISBN: 9781412900201
- ISBN 10: 1446222748
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- List of boxes
- List of figures
- List of tables
- List of contributors
- Acknowledgements
- 1 The ageing world
- 2 The biology of ageing
- 3 Psychological ageing
- 4 Social theory and social ageing
- 5 Researching ageing
- 6 Health and dependency in later life
- 7 Social protection: incomes, poverty and the reform of pension systems
- 8 Work and retirement
- 9 Personal relationships in later life
- 10 Environment and ageing
- 11 Meanings of ageing and old age: discursive contexts, social attitudes and personal identities
- 12 Competence and cognition
- 13 Self and life management: wholesome knowledge for the third age
- 14 Ageing into the future
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5637
- Útgáfuár : 2007
- Leyfi : 380