Advancing Crisis Communication Effectiveness
Advancing Crisis Communication Effectiveness shows how crisis communication plans and efforts for complex and challenging issues benefit when academic perspectives are connected with practitioner experiences. This book brings crisis and public relations scholars together with practicing professionals to integrate academic theories and research with the knowledge and lessons learned on the frontlines of crisis communication and management.
This book illustrates how having insights and observations from both leading crisis communication scholars and professionals strengthens crisis management and communication strategies, plans, and coordination. Chapters co-authored by leading scholars and professionals highlight how academic theories and research can inform crisis management and response - and how practitioners can utilize, inform, and strengthen academic theories and research.
For each topic area covered, examples and applications are provided that show how integrating public relations scholarship with practice can advance crisis communication effectiveness. This book represents a unique and timely contribution to the field of crisis management and communication. It will be an important resource for public relations and crisis management and communication scholars, educators, professionals, consultants, and graduate students.
- Höfundar: Yan Jin, Bryan H. Reber, Glen J. Nowak
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2020-12-28
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781000328509
- Print ISBN: 9780367353179
- ISBN 10: 1000328503
- Cover
- Half Title
- Series Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Dedication
- Table of Contents
- List of Illustrations
- Foreword
- Acknowledgments
- Part I Overview and Context
- 1 Complex and Challenging Crises: A Call for Solutions
- 2 The Evolving Complexity of Crisis Issues: The Role of Crisis History
- Part II Most Challenging Organizational Crises
- 3 Corporate Crises: Sticky Crises and Corporations
- 4 Connected in Crisis: How Nonprofit Organizations Can Respond and Refocus
- 5 Media Relations for Government/Public Affairs Crises: Ethical and Unethical Components of Scandal and Spin
- Part III Most Challenging Public Crises
- 6 A Promising but Difficult Domain: Complex Health-related Crises and Academic-Professional Collaboration
- 7 Disaster and Emergency Crisis Management Communication
- Part IV Crises Amplified by Media and Aggravated by Misinformation
- 8 Managing Misinformation and Conflicting Information: A Framework for Understanding Misinformation and Rumor
- 9 Technology and Social Media: Challenges and Opportunities for Effective Crisis and Risk Communication
- 10 Law and (Lack of) Order in Complex Crises
- Part V What Can Crisis Theories Do (Better) for Practice?
- 11 Situational Crisis Communication Theory (SCCT) and Application in Dealing with Complex, Challenging, and Recurring Crises
- 12 Managing Complexity: Insights from the Contingency Theory of Strategic Conflict Management
- 13 Calming Giants in the Earth: The Internalization, Distribution, Explanation, and Action (IDEA) Model as Strategic Communication in Crises with Competing Narratives
- 14 The Social-Mediated Crisis Communication (SMCC) Model: Identifying the Next Frontier
- Part VI Looking Ahead and Trekking Forward Together
- 15 The Future of Collaborative Crisis Research
- List of Contributors
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18769
- Útgáfuár : 2020
- Leyfi : 380