Ensuring marketers and advertisers are aware of the laws and regulations of advertising is now more important than ever. If a campaign is found to be potentially offensive, harmful, or misleading, it can 'go viral' in just the click of a mouse, and the implications of breaching those laws are likely to be both damaging and costly to a brand's reputation, its creative work, and the strategic planning behind it.
Now offering level-headed advice on everyday questions encountered when designing and running promotional campaigns, Ad Law, the new book from the Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA), is the ultimate handbook to the law and regulation of advertising and marketing communications. Containing guidance based on real-world experiences from media and advertising lawyers and the IPA legal team, this book expertly leads readers through the most applicable laws and regulations, common pitfalls and the practicalities behind them, such as the new industry-standard client/agency agreement.
- Höfundur: Author
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2016-09-03
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780749472900
- Print ISBN: 9780749472894
- ISBN 10: 0749472901
- Cover
- Title Page
- Contents
- List of contributors
- Editor’s note
- Richard Lindsay
- Foreword
- Rt Hon Lord Smith of Finsbury
- Preface
- Paul Bainsfair, IPA Director General
- PART ONE Intellectual property: The law and content rights
- 01 Copyright
- Michael Gardner
- Introduction
- What is copyright?
- What types of copyright work are there?
- Literary, artistic, dramatic and musical works
- Sound recordings, films and broadcasts
- Typographical arrangements
- Moral rights and performers’ rights
- Overlap of copyright works
- Duration of copyright
- Ownership of copyright
- Copyright infringement
- Defences to copyright infringement
- Copyright and comparative advertising
- Consequences of copyright infringement
- Summary
- 02 Trade marks
- Michael Gardner
- Introduction
- What are the relevant registration systems in the UK?
- How does the system of trade mark registration work?
- What can be registered as a trade mark?
- How does the registration procedure work?
- How long does a registration last?
- Can a trade mark be challenged once registered?
- Can trade marks be traded or licensed?
- What does a registered trade mark protect against?
- Typical infringement scenarios
- Defences
- Comparative advertising
- Parallel imports
- Trade marks and legal proceedings
- Summary
- 03 Design rights
- Michael Gardner
- Introduction
- Community designs
- UK registered designs
- UK unregistered designs
- Groundless threats
- Designs and comparative advertising
- Summary
- 04 Passing off
- Michael Gardner
- Introduction
- How does the law of passing off work?
- What are the consequences of passing off?11
- Summary
- 01 Copyright
- 05 The self-regulatory system
- Rupert Earle
- Introduction
- Why self/co-regulation?
- Non-broadcast structure: CAP/ASA
- Broadcast structure: BCAP and ASAB
- Remit: what do the advertising codes cover?
- Complaints
- Code rules and how the ASA adjudicates
- Code compliance
- Complaints
- Contesting an ASA decision
- 06 Consumer protection
- Rupert Earle
- Introduction
- Unfair commercial practices
- Enforcement
- Consumers’ right to redress
- Consumer rights
- Competition law
- Fraud
- 07 Privacy and data protection
- John Wilks and Loretta Marshall
- Introduction
- Applicable legislation and codes
- Direct marketing communications
- Use of databases for marketing purposes
- The use of cookies for advertising or marketing purposes
- Online behavioural advertising
- Summary
- 08 Celebrities in advertising
- India Forsyth and Richard Lindsay
- Introduction
- What is a celebrity?
- Do you know who I am?
- Intellectual property
- Self-regulatory codes
- Defamation
- Privacy and data protection
- Contractual obligations
- Conclusion
- 09 Advertising and children
- Nick Johnson
- Introduction
- What counts as a ‘child’?
- Rules to protect children
- Restricted products
- Scheduling restrictions and age-based targeting
- Child performers and licensing
- Summary
- 10 Comparative advertising
- Rafi Azim-Khan
- Introduction
- Examples of comparative advertising rules: past and present
- What regulates comparative advertising?
- Applicable law and regulation
- Statutory and self-regulatory codes and bodies
- Penalties/sanctions
- Options for the aggrieved
- Summary
- 11 Defamation and malicious falsehood
- Nick Walker and Jonathan Coad
- Introduction
- Clearing copy: assessing the risk
- What is defamation?
- Malicious falsehood
- Some litigation tips
- 12 The internet and beyond
- Brinsley Dresden
- Introduction
- Who regulates advertising on the internet?
- Search-based advertising issues
- Content clearance, UGC and customer reviews
- Transparency and native advertising
- Blogs and review sites
- Vlogging
- Social media
- 13 Lotteries and prize promotions
- Charles Swan
- Introduction
- Lotteries and prize draws
- Prize competitions
- Prize promotions and the CAP Code
- Northern Ireland
- Summary
- 14 Music in advertising
- Scott McKinlay
- Introduction
- Types of copyright
- Traditional approach
- Other legal considerations
- Alternative methods
- Pitfalls
- The future
- 15 Price claims and indications
- Stephen Groom
- Introduction
- Legislation governing PCIs in particular scenarios
- Main principle: price claims and indications must not materially mislead or be likely to do so
- Price claims
- Summary
- 16 Sponsorship and major events
- Rafi Azim-Khan
- Introduction
- Olympics laws and sponsorship trends
- What’s in it for the sponsor?
- What’s in it for the rights-holder?
- The package of rights
- The sponsorship agreement
- Reliance on third parties
- Ambush marketing
- Conflicting sponsorship rights
- Regulatory codes of practice
- 17 Usage FAQs
- Brinsley Dresden
- Introduction
- Badges
- Banknotes
- Buildings (exteriors and interiors) and sculptures
- Cars (motor vehicles)
- Coats of arms
- Coins
- Crowds/passers-by
- Designer clothes/jewellery
- Fictitious names and testimonials
- Flags
- Maps
- Olympic symbols
- Postage stamps
- Quotations
- Red Cross, Red Crescent
- Road signs
- Royalty and the Crown
- Uniforms
- 18 Alcohol
- Paul Jordan, Sally Dunstan and Andy Butcher
- Introduction
- CAP, BCAP and Portman Codes
- Other relevant rules
- The Code provisions
- Pricing and promotion of alcoholic drinks in Scotland
- Summary
- 19 The advertising of food
- Rebecca Chong and Richard Lindsay
- Introduction
- The law and misleading advertising
- EC Regulation 1924/2006 on Nutrition and Health Claims made on Foods
- EC Regulation 1924/2006 and nutrition claims
- EC Regulation 1924/2006 and health claims
- EC Regulation 1924/2006 and nutrient profiles
- The advertising Codes and the Food Rules
- Summary
- 20 The advertising of food
- Rebecca Chong and Richard Lindsay
- Introduction
- Healthy eating
- HFSS products and the distinction between TV broadcast versus radio and non-broadcast rules
- Pester power and emotive advertising
- Nutrition and health claims and children’s health
- Scheduling of HFSS advertising on TV
- Stricter rules for advertising to children?
- Summary
- 21 Gambling
- David Zeffman
- Introduction
- What is gambling?
- The Gambling Act: who can advertise?
- The License Conditions and Codes of Practice
- The CAP and BCAP Codes
- Gambling industry codes
- Enforcement
- Northern Ireland
- Pressures on the industry
- 22 Political advertising
- Paul Herbert
- Introduction
- Political advertising: TV and radio
- Application of the ban
- Political advertising: non-broadcast
- Causes and ideas under the CAP Code
- Summary
- 23 Smoking and vaping
- Dan Smith, Mathilda Davidson and George Sevier
- Introduction
- Tobacco
- Incidental smoking in advertising and smoking paraphernalia
- Anti-smoking advertising and smoking cessation aids
- Electronic cigarette advertising
- Summary
- 24 Client/agency contracts
- Jo Farmer
- Introduction
- The ISBA/IPA Suggested Terms
- Term of the appointment: retainers
- Term of the agreement: projects
- Exclusivity and non-compete
- Remuneration and third-party costs
- Third-party contracts
- Warranties
- Limitation of liability
- Copyright and other intellectual property rights
- Audit
- Summary
- 25 Pitching
- India Forsyth and Richard Lindsay
- Introduction
- Resources for IPA member agencies
- Other considerations
- Summary
- 26 Production of commercials
- Kim Knowlton and Steve Davies
- Introduction
- The purpose of the contract
- The production or commercials contract
- Disputes
- Conclusion
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 6313
- Útgáfuár : 2016
- Leyfi : 379