Action Research for Improving Educational Practice

- LSS303F Fræði og starf á vettvangi I
Which topics are right for Action Research in an education context? How do you go about planning a project, collecting and analysing your data? What′s the best way to present your research findings to parents, colleagues or funding bodies? Whether you are a busy teacher doing research in your classroom, an undergraduate starting your research project, or a Masters level or education doctorate student writing up your dissertation, this step-by-step guide takes you through every stage involved in carrying out Action Research.
In this brand new edition, you will find additional guidance on: - philosophical underpinnings of Action Research - the challenges of being an insider researcher - searching and analysing literature from the internet - children′s participation and children′s rights in action research projects in educational settings - validity and authenticity in action research - a new chapter on writing for publication - an action research planning sheet.
This book draws on Valsa Koshy′s extensive experience of supervising researchers at all levels, and includes examples of Action Research carried out by practitioners across a range of topics and age groups. Case studies include UK and international examples, allowing you to reflect on multiple perspectives of Action Research in education. Those new to Action Research, and those looking for a straightforward explanation of the methods involved, will find this book invaluable.
- Höfundur: Valsa Koshy
- Útgáfa:2
- Útgáfudagur: 2009-10-29
- Hægt að prenta út 30 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 30 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781446241196
- Print ISBN: 9781848601598
- ISBN 10: 144624119X
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Contents
- About the Author
- Acknowledgements
- Introduction
- 1 What is action research?
- Key points
- The development of action research: a brief background
- What is involved in action research?
- Some definitions of action research
- Examples of action research projects
- Action research and its theoretical underpinnings
- Conceptualizing action research
- Action researchers constructing their own knowledge
- Making your philosophical stance known
- The advantages of using action research as a methodology
- Summary
- Further reading
- Useful websites
- 2 Getting started
- Key points
- Action research and professional development
- What are the processes and outcomes of action research?
- Contexts for action
- Action research as purposeful research
- Is action research real research?
- Making a start
- Identifying a topic
- Some examples of topics
- Moving on
- Practical considerations
- Summary
- Further reading
- Useful websites
- 3 Reviewing the literature
- Key points
- The purposes of reviewing relevant literature
- What kinds of literature?
- Searching for relevant literature
- Sources of relevant literature
- Using the Internet
- Using electronic databases
- Managing your literature review
- Storing your literature review
- Reviewing and writing up the literature
- Summary
- Further reading
- Useful websites
- 4 Planning action
- Key points
- Making preparations
- Facilitating an action plan
- When things go wrong
- Summary
- Further reading
- Useful websites
- 5 Gathering data
- Key points
- Discussion of methodology
- Quantitative and qualitative data
- Ethical considerations
- Methods of data collection
- Gathering data questionnaires and surveys
- Conducting interviews
- Gathering documentary evidence
- Field diaries and notes
- Systematic observation
- Using video and DVD recording and photographs
- Quality indicators
- Summary
- Further reading
- Useful websites
- 6 Analysing data and generating evidence
- Key points
- Making a start
- Organizing your data
- Examples of action research projects
- Analysis and presentation of your data
- Working with qualitative data
- A framework for qualitative data analysis and interpretation
- Reflexivity and qualitative data
- Using computer software
- Coding
- Computer Aided Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS)
- Using evidence and generating knowledge
- Generating knowledge
- Validating your claims to knowledge
- Summary
- Further reading
- 7 Writing up your action research
- Key points
- Writing a report of your action research
- Writing a Master's dissertation
- Test your understanding of a dissertaion structure
- Doctoral theses
- Creative presentations of action research
- Conference presentations
- Telling a story as a case study
- Summary
- Further reading
- Useful websites
- 8 Publishing your action research and planning the next steps
- Key points
- Where will you disseminate your findings?
- Professional newsletters
- Publishing in professional journals
- Publishing in academic outlets
- Writing a paper for an academic journal
- A checklist for reviewing your paper before you send it for publication
- Useful websites
- Endnote
- Glossary
- References
- Index
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 15087
- Útgáfuár : 2009
- Leyfi : 380