Accounting: What the Numbers Mean ISE
Námskeið 901-6.0.RHA1 Reikningshald I Reikningshald Grunnatriði ársreikninga 104.6.0.RHA2 Reikningshald II Reikningshald Grunnatriði ársreikninga - Höfundar: David Marshall, Wayne McManus, Daniel Viele
5.390 kr.

- 901-6.0.RHA1 Reikningshald I Reikningshald Grunnatriði ársreikninga
- 104.6.0.RHA2 Reikningshald II Reikningshald Grunnatriði ársreikninga
Designed for non-majors, Accounting: What the Numbers Mean, guides students through the basics: what accounting information is, how it is developed, how it is used, and what it means. Financial statements are examined to learn what they do and do not communicate, enhancing the student’s decision-making and problem-solving abilities from a user perspective. This approach benefits a variety of non-accounting majors, including students focusing on other areas of business or nonbusiness programs such as engineering, behavioral sciences, public administration, or prelaw.
- Höfundar: David Marshall, Wayne McManus, Daniel Viele
- Útgáfa:13
- Útgáfudagur: 2022-01-03
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781265580384
- Print ISBN: 9781265051563
- ISBN 10: 1265580383
- Cover
- Title
- Copyright
- Meet the Authors
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Brief Contents
- Contents
- 1. Accounting —Present and Past
- What Is Accounting?
- Financial Accounting
- Managerial Accounting/Cost Accounting
- Auditing—Public Accounting
- Internal Auditing
- Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting
- Income Tax Accounting
- How Has Accounting Developed?
- Early History
- The Accounting Profession in the United States
- Financial Accounting Standard Setting at the Present Time
- Standards for Other Types of Accounting
- International Accounting Standards
- Ethics and the Accounting Profession
- The Conceptual Framework
- Summary of Concepts Statement No. 8, Chapter 1: “The Objective of General Purpose Financial Reporting”
- Objectives of Financial Reporting for Nonbusiness Organizations
- Plan of the Book
- What Is Accounting?
- Part 1: Financial Accounting
- 2. Financial Statements and Accounting Concepts/Principles
- Financial Statements
- From Transactions to Financial Statements
- Financial Statements Illustrated
- Explanations and Definitions
- Comparative Statements in Subsequent Years
- Illustration of Financial Statement Relationships
- Accounting Concepts and Principles
- Concepts/Principles Related to the Entire Model
- Concepts/Principles Related to Transactions
- Concepts/Principles Related to Bookkeeping Procedures and the Accounting Process
- Concepts/Principles Related to Financial Statements
- Limitations of Financial Statements
- The Corporation’s Annual Report
- Financial Statements
- 3. Fundamental Interpretations Made from Financial Statement Data
- Financial Ratios and Trend Analysis
- Return on Investment
- The DuPont Model: An Expansion of the ROI Calculation
- Return on Equity
- Working Capital and Measures of Liquidity
- Illustration of Trend Analysis
- Financial Ratios and Trend Analysis
- 2. Financial Statements and Accounting Concepts/Principles
- 4. The Bookkeeping Process and Transaction Analysis
- The Bookkeeping/Accounting Process
- The Balance Sheet Equation—A Mechanical Key
- Transactions
- Bookkeeping Jargon and Procedures
- Understanding the Effects of Transactions on the Financial Statements
- Adjustments
- Transaction Analysis Methodology
- The Bookkeeping/Accounting Process
- 5. Accounting for and Presentation of Current Assets
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- The Bank Reconciliation as a Control over Cash
- Short-Term Marketable Securities
- Balance Sheet Valuation
- Interest Accrual
- Accounts Receivable
- Bad Debts/Uncollectible Accounts
- Cash Discounts
- Notes Receivable
- Interest Accrual
- Inventories
- Inventory Cost Flow Assumptions
- The Impact of Changing Costs (Inflation/Deflation)
- Selecting an Inventory Cost Flow Assumption
- Inventory Accounting System Alternatives
- Inventory Errors
- Balance Sheet Valuation at the Lower of Cost or Market
- Prepaid Expenses and Other Current Assets
- Cash and Cash Equivalents
- 6. Accounting for and Presentation of Property, Plant, and Equipment, and Other Noncurrent Assets
- Land
- Buildings and Equipment
- Cost of Assets Acquired
- Depreciation for Financial Accounting Purposes
- Repair and Maintenance Expenditures
- Disposal of Depreciable Assets
- Assets Acquired by Lease
- Intangible Assets
- Leasehold Improvements
- Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights
- Goodwill
- Natural Resources
- Other Noncurrent Assets
- Appendix—Time Value of Money
- Future Value
- Future Value of an Annuity
- Present Value
- Present Value of an Annuity
- Impact of Compounding Frequency
- Current Liabilities
- Short-Term Debt
- Current Maturities of Long-Term Debt
- Accounts Payable
- Unearned Revenue or Deferred Credits
- Payroll Taxes and Other Withholdings
- Other Accrued Liabilities
- Noncurrent Liabilities
- Long-Term Debt
- Deferred Tax Liabilities
- Other Noncurrent Liabilities
- Contingent Liabilities
- Paid-In Capital
- Common Stock
- Preferred Stock
- Additional Paid-In Capital
- Retained Earnings
- Cash Dividends
- Stock Dividends and Stock Splits
- Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss)
- Foreign Currency Translation Adjustment
- Treasury Stock
- Reporting Changes in Stockholders’ Equity Accounts
- Noncontrolling Interest
- Owners’ Equity for Other Types of Entities
- Proprietorships and Partnerships
- Not-for-Profit and Governmental Organizations
- Appendix—Personal Investing
- Income Statement
- Revenues
- Expenses
- Cost of Goods Sold
- Gross Profit or Gross Margin
- Operating Expenses
- Income from Operations
- Other Income and Expenses
- Income before Income Taxes and Income Tax Expense
- Net Income and Earnings per Share
- Income Statement Presentation Alternatives
- Unusual or Infrequently Occurring Items Sometimes Seen on an Income Statement
- Statement of Cash Flows
- Content and Format of the Statement
- Interpreting the Statement of Cash Flows
- Corporate Governance
- Financial Reporting Misstatements
- General Organization of Notes to the Financial Statements
- Notes to the Financial Statements
- Significant Accounting Policies
- Details of Other Financial Statement Amounts
- Other Disclosures
- Management’s Statement of Responsibility
- Management’s Discussion and Analysis
- Five-Year (or Longer) Summary of Financial Data
- Independent Auditors’ Report
- Financial Statement Compilations
- Financial Statement Analysis Ratios
- Liquidity Measures
- Activity Measures
- Profitability Measures
- Financial Leverage Measures
- Other Analytical Techniques
- Book Value per Share of Common Stock
- Common Size Financial Statements
- Other Operating Statistics
- 12. Managerial Accounting and Cost–Volume–Profit Relationships
- Managerial Accounting Contrasted to Financial Accounting
- Cost Classifications
- Relationship of Total Cost to Volume of Activity
- Applications of Cost–Volume–Profit Analysis
- Cost Behavior Pattern: The Key
- Estimating Cost Behavior Patterns
- A Modified Income Statement Format
- An Expanded Contribution Margin Model
- Multiple Products or Services and Sales Mix Considerations
- Breakeven Point Analysis
- Operating Leverage
- Cost Management
- Cost Accumulation and Assignment
- Cost Relationship to Products or Activity
- Costs for Cost Accounting Purposes
- Cost Accounting Systems
- Cost Accounting Systems—General Characteristics
- Product Costing
- Statement of Cost of Goods Manufactured
- Cost Accounting Systems—Job Order Costing, Process Costing, and Hybrid Costing
- Cost Accounting Methods—Absorption Costing and Direct Costing
- Cost Accounting Systems in Service Organizations
- Activity-Based Costing
- Cost Classifications
- Relationship of Total Cost to Volume of Activity
- Cost Classification According to a Time-Frame Perspective
- Budgeting
- The Budgeting Process in General
- The Budget Time Frame
- The Budgeting Process
- The Purchases/Production Budget
- The Cost of Goods Sold Budget
- The Operating Expense Budget
- The Budgeted Income Statement
- The Cash Budget
- The Budgeted Balance Sheet
- Standard Costs
- Using Standard Costs
- Developing Standards
- Costing Products with Standard Costs
- Other Uses of Standards
- Budgeting for Other Analytical Purposes
- Cost Classifications
- Relationship of Total Cost to Volume of Activity
- Cost Classification According to a Time-Frame Perspective
- Performance Reporting
- Characteristics of the Performance Report
- The Flexible Budget
- Standard Cost Variance Analysis
- Analysis of Variable Cost Variances
- Analysis of Fixed Overhead Variance
- Accounting for Variances
- Analysis of Organizational Units
- Reporting for Segments of an Organization
- The Analysis of Investment Centers
- The Balanced Scorecard
- Cost Classifications
- Cost Classifications for Other Analytical Purposes
- Short-Run Decision Analysis
- Relevant Costs
- Relevant Costs in Action—The Sell or Process Further Decision
- Relevant Costs in Action—The Special Pricing Decision
- Relevant Costs in Action—The Target Costing Question
- Relevant Costs in Action—The Make or Buy Decision
- Relevant Costs in Action—The Continue or Discontinue a Segment Decision
- Relevant Costs in Action—The Short-Term Allocation of Scarce Resources
- Long-Run Investment Analysis
- Capital Budgeting
- Investment Decision Special Considerations
- Cost of Capital
- Capital Budgeting Techniques
- The Investment Decision
- Integration of the Capital Budget with Operating Budgets
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 14835
- Útgáfuár : 2019
- Leyfi : 380