Accounting Principles IFRS Version, Global Edition
- VIÐ103G Inngangur að fjárhagsbókhaldi
- VIÐ152G Inngangur að fjárhagsbókhaldi
- VIÐ306G Rekstrarbókhald
- FHB2106110 Fjárhagsbókhald
Ensk lýsing:
Weygandt's Accounting Principles continues to provide students with a trusted and clear introduction to fundamental accounting concepts, which has made this best-selling text so popular. Helping students get the most out of their accounting course by making practice simple, the new edition continues to present the accounting cycle from a sole proprietor perspective, whilst providing the latest IFRS integration throughout (separate references to GAAP are made at the end of each chapter for courses where needed).
Weygandt's Accounting Principles continues to provide students with a trusted and clear introduction to fundamental accounting concepts, which has made this best-selling text so popular. Helping students get the most out of their accounting course by making practice simple, the new edition continues to present the accounting cycle from a sole proprietor perspective, whilst providing the latest IFRS integration throughout (separate references to GAAP are made at the end of each chapter for courses where needed).
- Höfundar: Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, Donald E. Kieso
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-02-15
- Hægt að prenta út 10 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781119419594
- Print ISBN: 9781119419617
- ISBN 10: 111941959X
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Dedication
- Copyright
- Brief Content
- From the Authors
- Author Commitment
- Contents
- Thank You
- Chapter 1 Accounting in Action
- Accounting Activities and Users
- The Building Blocks of Accounting
- The Accounting Equation
- Analyzing Business Transactions
- The Four Financial Statements
- Appendix 1A Career Opportunities in Accounting
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 2 The Recording Process
- Accounts, Debits, and Credits
- The Journal
- The Ledger and Posting
- The Trial Balance
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 3 Adjusting the Accounts
- Accrual-Basis Accounting and Adjusting Entries
- Adjusting Entries for Deferrals
- Adjusting Entries for Accruals
- Adjusted Trial Balance and Financial Statements
- Appendix 3A Alternative Treatment of Deferrals
- Appendix 3B Financial Reporting Concepts
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 4 Completing the Accounting Cycle
- The Worksheet
- Closing the Books
- The Accounting Cycle and Correcting Entries
- Classified Statement of Financial Position
- Appendix 4A Reversing Entries
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 5 Accounting for Merchandise Operations
- Merchandising Operations and Inventory Systems
- Recording Purchases Under a Perpetual System
- Recording Sales Under a Perpetual System
- The Accounting Cycle for a Merchandising Company
- Financial Statement for a Merchandiser
- Appendix 5A Worksheet for a Merchandising Company
- Appendix 5B Periodic Inventory System
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 6 Inventories
- Classifying and Determining Inventory
- Inventory Methods and Financial Effects
- Effects of Inventory Errors
- Inventory Statement Presentation and Analysis
- Appendix 6A Inventory Cost Flow Methods in Perpetual Inventory Systems
- Appendix 6B Estimating Inventories
- Appendix 6C LIFO Inventory Method
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 7 Accounting Information Systems
- Basic Accounting Information System Concepts
- Subsidiary Ledgers
- Special Journals
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 8 Fraud, Internal Control, and Cash
- Fraud and Internal Control
- Cash Controls
- Control Features of a Bank Account
- Reporting Cash
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 9 Accounting for Receivables
- Recognition of Accounts Receivable
- Valuation and Disposition of Accounts Receivable
- Notes Receivable
- Presentation and Analysis
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 10 Plant Assets, Natural Resources, and Intangible Assets
- Plant Asset Expenditures
- Depreciation Methods
- Plant Asset Disposals
- Natural Resources and Intangible Assets
- Statement Presentation and Analysis
- Appendix 10A Exchange of Plant Assets
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 11 Current Liabilities
- Accounting for Current Liabilities
- Reporting and Analyzing Current Liabilities
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 12 Accounting for Partnerships
- Forming a Partnership
- Accounting for Net Income or Net Loss
- Liquidation of a Partnership
- Appendix 12A Admissions and Withdrawals of Partners
- Review and Practice
- Chapter 13 Corporations: Organization and Share Capital Transactions
- The Corporate Form of Organization
- Accounting for Share Transactions
- Accounting for Treasury Shares
- Statement Presentation of Equity
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 14 Corporations: Dividends, Retained Earnings, and Income Reporting
- Cash Dividends
- Share Dividends and Splits
- Retained Earnings Statement and Equity Section
- Corporation Income Statements
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 15 Non-Current Liabilities
- Overview of Bonds
- Bond Transactions
- Accounting for Non-Current Liabilities
- Reporting and Analyzing Non-Current Liabilities
- Appendix 15A Effective-Interest Method of Bond Amortization
- Appendix 15B Straight-Line Amortization
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 16 Investments
- Debt Investments
- Share Investments
- Valuing and Reporting Investments
- Appendix 16A Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 17 Statement of Cash Flows
- Statement of Cash Flows: Usefulness and Format
- Preparing the Statement of Cash Flows—Indirect Method
- Using Cash Flows to Evaluate a Company
- Appendix 17A Statement of Cash Flows—Direct Method
- Appendix 17B Statement of Cash Flows—T-Account Approach
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 18 Financial Analysis: The Big Picture
- Basics of Financial Statement Analysis
- Ratio Analysis
- Sustainable Income
- Review and Practice
- A Look at U.S. GAAP
- Chapter 19 Managerial Accounting
- Managerial Accounting Basics
- Managerial Cost Concepts
- Manufacturer Financial Statements
- Managerial Accounting Trends
- Review and Practice
- Chapter 20 Job Order Costing
- Cost Accounting Systems
- Job Cost Sheets and Manufacturing Costs
- Predetermined Overhead Rates
- Completed and Sold Manufacturing and Service Jobs
- Applied Manufacturing Overhead
- Review and Practice
- Chapter 21 Process Costing
- Overview of Process Cost Systems
- Recording Costs
- Equivalent Units
- The Production Cost Report
- Appendix 21A Method for Computing Equivalent Units
- Review and Practice
- Chapter 22 Cost-Volume-Profit
- Cost Behavior Analysis
- Mixed Costs Analysis
- Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis
- Break-Even Analysis
- Target Net Income and Margin of Safety
- Review and Practice
- Chapter 23 Incremental Analysis
- Decision-Making and Incremental Analysis
- Special Orders
- Make or Buy
- Sell or Process Further
- Repair, Retain, or Replace Equipment
- Eliminate Unprofitable Segment or Product
- Review and Practice
- Chapter 24 Budgetary Planning
- Effective Budgeting and the Master Budget
- Sales, Production, and Direct Materials Budgets
- Direct Labor, Manufacturing Overhead, and S&A Expense Budgets
- Cash Budget and Budgeted Statement of Financial Position
- Budgeting in Non-Manufacturing Companies
- Review and Practice
- Chapter 25 Budgetary Control and Responsibility Accounting
- Budgetary Control and Static Budget Reports
- Flexible Budget Reports
- Responsibility Accounting and Responsibility Centers
- Investment Centers and ROI
- Appendix 25A ROI vs. Residual Income
- Review and Practice
- Chapter 26 Standard Costs and Balanced Scorecard
- Standard Costs
- Direct Materials Variances
- Direct Labor and Manufacturing Overhead Variances
- Variance Reports and Balanced Scorecards
- Appendix 26A Standard Cost Accounting System
- Appendix 26B Overhead Controllable and Volume Variances
- Review and Practice
- Chapter 27 Planning for Capital Investments
- Capital Budgeting and Cash Payback
- Net Present Value Method
- Capital Budgeting Challenges and Refinements
- Internal Rate of Return
- Annual Rate of Return
- Review and Practice
- Appendix A Specimen Financial Statements: Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company, Limited
- Appendix B Specimen Financial Statements: Nestlé SA
- Appendix C Specimen Financial Statements: Delfi Limited
- Appendix D Specimen Financial Statements: Apple Inc.
- Appendix E Time Value of Money
- Appendix F Just-in-Time Processing and Activity-Based Costing
- Company Index
- Subject Index
- Rapid Review Chapter Content
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5747
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 380