ABNORMAL CHILD PSYCHOLOGY, 7th Edition introduces you to childhood and adolescent disorders, treatment, and prevention using an approach that recognizes the interconnectedness of biological, psychological, social, and emotional influences. You'll view each disorder from the perspective of the whole child, with diagnostic criteria as well as emphasis on the strengths of the individual, environmental circumstances, issues pertaining to younger and older age groups, and the risk and protective factors affecting developmental pathways.
- Höfundur: Eric Mash
- Útgáfa:7
- Útgáfudagur: 2018-01-01
- Engar takmarkanir á útprentun
- Engar takmarkanir afritun
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9798214336770
- Print ISBN: 9781337624268
- Cover Page
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Preface
- Part 1. Understanding Abnormal Child Psychology
- Chapter 1. Introduction to Normal and Abnormal Behavior in Children and Adolescents
- Historical Views and Breakthroughs
- The Emergence of Social Conscience
- Early Biological Attributions
- Early Psychological Attributions
- Evolving Forms of Treatment
- Progressive Legislation
- What Is Abnormal Behavior in Children and Adolescents?
- Defining Psychological Disorders
- Competence
- Developmental Pathways
- Risk and Resilience
- The Significance of Mental Health Problems among Children and Youths
- The Changing Picture of Children’s Mental Health
- What Affects Rates and Expression of Mental Disorders? A Look at Some Key Factors
- Poverty and Socioeconomic Disadvantage
- Sex Differences
- Race and Ethnicity
- Cultural Issues
- Child Maltreatment and Non-Accidental Trauma
- Special Issues Concerning Adolescents and Sexual Minority Youths
- Lifespan Implications
- Looking Ahead
- Study Resources
- Historical Views and Breakthroughs
- Chapter 2. Theories and Causes
- What Is Causing Jorge’s Problems?
- Theoretical Foundations
- Developmental Psychopathology Perspective
- An Integrative Approach
- Developmental Considerations
- Organization of Development
- Biological Perspectives
- Neural Plasticity and the Role of Experience
- Genetic Contributions
- Neurobiological Contributions
- Psychological Perspectives
- Emotional Influences
- Behavioral and Cognitive Influences
- Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)
- Family, Social, and Cultural Perspectives
- Infant–Caregiver Attachment
- The Family and Peer Context
- Looking Ahead
- Study Resources
- Chapter 3. Research
- A Scientific Approach
- When Science Is Ignored
- The Research Process
- Common Research Questions and Topics
- Methods of Studying Behavior
- Standardization, Reliability, and Validity
- Measurement Methods
- Reporting Methods
- Psychophysiological Methods
- Neuroimaging Methods
- Observation Methods
- Research Strategies
- Identifying the Sample
- General Research Strategies
- Research Designs
- Qualitative Research
- Ethical and Pragmatic Issues
- Informed Consent and Assent
- Voluntary Participation
- Confidentiality and Anonymity
- Nonharmful Procedures
- Other Ethical and Pragmatic Concerns
- Study Resources
- A Scientific Approach
- Chapter 4. Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment
- Clinical Issues
- The Decision-Making Process
- Developmental Considerations
- Purposes of Assessment
- Assessing Disorders
- Clinical Interviews
- Behavioral Assessment
- Psychological Testing
- Classification and Diagnosis
- Categories and Dimensions
- The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5)
- Treatment and Prevention
- Intervention
- Cultural Considerations
- Treatment Goals
- Ethical and Legal Considerations
- General Approaches to Treatment
- Treatment Effectiveness
- New Directions
- Study Resources
- Clinical Issues
- Chapter 1. Introduction to Normal and Abnormal Behavior in Children and Adolescents
- Chapter 5. Intellectual Disability (Intellectual Developmental Disorder)
- Intelligence and Intellectual Disability
- The Eugenics Scare
- Defining and Measuring Children’s Intelligence and Adaptive Behavior
- The Controversial IQ
- Features of Intellectual Disabilities
- Clinical Description
- Severity Levels
- Prevalence
- Developmental Course and Adult Outcomes
- Motivation
- Changes in Abilities
- Language and Social Behavior
- Emotional and Behavioral Problems
- Other Physical and Health Disabilities
- Causes
- Inheritance and the Role of the Environment
- Genetic and Constitutional Factors
- Neurobiological Influences
- Social and Psychological Dimensions
- Prevention, Education, and Treatment
- Prenatal Education and Screening
- Psychosocial Treatments
- Study Resources
- Intelligence and Intellectual Disability
- Chapter 6. Autism Spectrum Disorder and Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Description and History
- DSM-5: Defining Features of ASD
- ASD across the Spectrum
- Core Deficits of ASD
- Social Interaction and Communication Deficits
- Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors and Interests
- Associated Characteristics of ASD
- Intellectual Deficits and Strengths
- Cognitive and Motivational Deficits
- Medical Conditions and Physical Characteristics
- Accompanying Disorders and Symptoms
- Prevalence and Course of ASD
- Age at Onset
- Course and Outcomes
- Causes of ASD
- Problems in Early Development
- Genetic Influences
- Brain Abnormalities
- ASD as a Disorder of Risk and Adaptation
- Treatment of ASD
- Overview
- Early Intervention
- Medications
- Childhood-Onset Schizophrenia (COS)
- DSM-5: Defining Features of Schizophrenia
- Positive Symptoms
- Precursors and Comorbidities
- Prevalence
- Causes and Treatment of COS
- Causes
- Treatment
- Study Resources
- Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
- Chapter 7. Communication and Learning Disorders
- Definitions and History
- Language Development
- Phonological Awareness
- Communication Disorders
- Language and Speech Sound Disorders
- Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder (Stuttering)
- Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder
- Specific Learning Disorder
- SLD with Impairment in Reading
- SLD with Impairment in Written Expression
- SLD with Impairment in Mathematics
- Study Resources
- Chapter 8. Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Description and History
- Description
- History
- Core Characteristics
- Inattention
- Hyperactivity–Impulsivity
- Presentation Type
- Additional DSM Criteria
- What DSM Criteria Don’t Tell Us
- Associated Characteristics
- Cognitive Deficits
- Speech and Language Impairments
- Medical and Physical Concerns
- Social Problems
- Accompanying Psychological Disorders and Symptoms
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder
- Anxiety Disorders
- Mood Disorders
- Developmental Coordination and Tic Disorders
- Prevalence and Course
- Gender
- Socioeconomic Status and Culture
- Course and Outcome
- Theories and Causes
- Genetic Influences
- Pregnancy, Birth, and Early Development
- Neurobiological Factors
- Diet, Allergy, and Lead
- Family Influences
- Treatment
- Medication
- Parent Management Training (PMT)
- Educational Intervention
- Intensive Interventions
- Additional Interventions
- A Comment on Controversial Treatments
- Keeping Things in Perspective
- Study Resources
- Description and History
- Chapter 9. Conduct Problems
- Description of Conduct Problems
- Context, Costs, and Perspectives
- Context
- Social and Economic Costs
- Perspectives
- DSM-5: Defining Features
- Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
- Conduct Disorder (CD)
- Antisocial Personality Disorder (APD) and Psychopathic Features
- Associated Characteristics
- Cognitive and Verbal Deficits
- School and Learning Problems
- Family Problems
- Peer Problems
- Self-Esteem Deficits
- Health-Related Problems
- Accompanying Disorders and Symptoms
- Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
- Depression and Anxiety
- Prevalence, Gender, and Course
- Prevalence
- Gender
- Developmental Course and Pathways
- Adult Outcomes
- Causes
- Genetic Influences
- Prenatal Factors and Birth Complications
- Neurobiological Factors
- Social–Cognitive Factors
- Family Factors
- Other Family Problems
- Societal Factors
- Cultural Factors
- Treatment and Prevention
- Parent Management Training (PMT)
- Problem-Solving Skills Training (PSST)
- Multisystemic Therapy (MST)
- Preventive Interventions
- Study Resources
- Chapter 10. Depressive and Bipolar Disorders
- Overview of Mood Disorders
- Depressive Disorders
- History
- Depression in Young People
- Depression and Development
- Anatomy of Depression
- Major Depressive Disorder (MDD)
- Prevalence
- Comorbidity
- Onset, Course, and Outcome
- Gender
- Ethnicity and Culture
- Persistent Depressive Disorder [P-DD] (Dysthymia)
- Prevalence and Comorbidity
- Onset, Course, and Outcome
- Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD)
- Associated Characteristics of Depressive Disorders
- Intellectual and Academic Functioning
- Cognitive Biases and Distortions
- Negative Self-Esteem
- Social and Peer Problems
- Family Problems
- Depression and Suicide
- Theories of Depression
- Psychodynamic
- Attachment
- Behavioral
- Cognitive
- Other Theories
- Causes of Depression
- Genetic and Family Risk
- Neurobiological Influences
- Family Influences
- Stressful Life Events
- Emotion Regulation
- Treatment of Depression
- Psychosocial Interventions
- Medications
- Prevention
- Bipolar Disorder (BP)
- Prevalence
- Comorbidity
- Onset, Course, and Outcome
- Causes
- Treatment
- Study Resources
- Chapter 11. Anxiety and Obsessive–Compulsive Disorders
- Description of Anxiety Disorders
- Experiencing Anxiety
- Anxiety versus Fear and Panic
- Normal Fears, Anxieties, Worries, and Rituals
- Anxiety Disorders According to DSM-5
- Separation Anxiety Disorder
- Prevalence and Comorbidity
- Onset, Course, and Outcome
- School Reluctance and Refusal
- Specific Phobia
- Prevalence and Comorbidity
- Onset, Course, and Outcome
- Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia)
- Prevalence, Comorbidity, and Course
- Selective Mutism
- Prevalence, Comorbidity, and Course
- Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
- Prevalence and Comorbidity
- Onset, Course, and Outcome
- Generalized Anxiety Disorder
- Prevalence and Comorbidity
- Onset, Course, and Outcome
- Obsessive–Compulsive and Related Disorders
- Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder
- Prevalence and Comorbidity
- Onset, Course, and Outcome
- Associated Characteristics
- Cognitive Disturbances
- Physical Symptoms
- Social and Emotional Deficits
- Anxiety and Depression
- Gender, Ethnicity, and Culture
- Theories and Causes
- Early Theories
- Temperament
- Family and Genetic Risk
- Neurobiological Factors
- Family Factors
- Treatment and Prevention
- Overview
- Behavior Therapy
- Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
- Family Interventions
- Medications
- Prevention
- Study Resources
- Description of Anxiety Disorders
- Chapter 12. Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders
- History and Family Context
- Healthy Families
- Continuum of Care
- Trauma, Stress, and Maltreatment: Defining Features
- Trauma and Stress
- Maltreatment
- Characteristics of Children Who Suffer Maltreatment
- Family Context
- Causes of Maltreatment
- Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders
- Reactive Attachment Disorder
- Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
- Treatment and Prevention
- Exposure-Based Therapy
- Special Needs of Maltreated Children
- Study Resources
- History and Family Context
- Chapter 13. Health-Related and Substance-Use Disorders
- History
- Sleep–Wake Disorders
- The Regulatory Functions of Sleep
- Maturational Changes
- Features of Sleep–Wake Disorders
- Treatment
- Elimination Disorders
- Enuresis
- Encopresis
- Chronic Illness
- Normal Variations in Children’s Health
- Diabetes Mellitus
- Childhood Cancer
- Development and Course
- How Children Adapt: A Biopsychosocial Model
- Intervention
- Adolescent Substance-Use Disorders
- Prevalence and Course
- Causes
- Treatment and Prevention
- Study Resources
- Chapter 14. Feeding and Eating Disorders
- How Eating Patterns Develop
- Normal Development
- Developmental Risk Factors
- Biological Regulators
- Obesity
- Prevalence and Development
- Causes
- Treatment
- Feeding and Eating Disorders First Occurring in Infancy and Early Childhood
- Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder
- Pica
- Eating Disorders of Adolescence
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Bulimia Nervosa
- Binge Eating Disorder
- Prevalence and Development
- Causes
- Treatment
- Study Resources
- How Eating Patterns Develop
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 18946
- Útgáfuár : 2018
- Leyfi : 380