Uncover the latest developments in leadership development and coaching with insights from two of the most respected voices on the subject In this provocative book, leadership experts and authors of the best-selling The Leadership Challenge , Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner take on a unique challenge and explore questions of leadership and legacy. In 22 stand-alone chapters, Kouzes and Posner examine the critical questions all leaders must ask themselves before they can leave a lasting impact.
These powerful essays are grouped into four categories: Significance, Relationships, Aspirations, and Courage. In each essay the authors consider a thorny and often ambiguous issue with which today’s leaders must grapple--such as how leaders serve and sacrifice, why leaders need loving critics, why leaders should want to be liked, why leaders can't take trust for granted, why it’s not just the leader’s vision that matters, why failure is always an option, why it takes courage to “make a life,” how to liberate the leader in everyone, and ultimately, how the legacy you leave is the life you lead.
In the book, you’ll find: A free-flowing discussion of leadership topics and lessons Incisive explorations of ambiguous issues and paradoxes that have bedeviled leaders for generations Concise and to-the-point essays representing new approaches to familiar themes, new stories, and new experiences A Leader’s Legacy is an indispensable resource for managers, executives, and other business leaders looking for insightful new ways to push their leadership development further than they ever thought possible.
- Höfundur: James M. Kouzes, Barry Z. Posner
- Útgáfa:1
- Útgáfudagur: 2008-12-22
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 10 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9780470482834
- Print ISBN: 9780470479186
- ISBN 10: 0470482834
- Cover
- Title page
- Copyright page
- Introduction
- PART ONE: Significance
- CHAPTER 1: Leaders Serve and Sacrifice
- Only Leaders Who Serve Earn Commitment
- Passionate Leaders Are Willing to Suffer
- CHAPTER 2: The Best Leaders Are Teachers
- Lesson One: The Best Way to Learn Is to Teach
- Lesson Two: Legacies Are Passed on in the Stories We Tell
- CHAPTER 3: We All Need Loving Critics
- CHAPTER 4: You Are the Most Important Leader in Your Organization
- You Matter
- CHAPTER 5: No One Likes to Be an Assumption
- CHAPTER 1: Leaders Serve and Sacrifice
- PART TWO: Relationships
- CHAPTER 6: Leadership Is Personal
- CHAPTER 7: Leaders Should Want to Be Liked
- CHAPTER 8: When You Don’t See Eye to Eye, Seek to Understand
- The Only Person You Can Change Is You
- Focus on the Purpose and Not the Person
- Promote Constructive Insubordination
- CHAPTER 9: You Can’t Take Trust for Granted
- You Can’t Take Trust for Granted
- Sometimes Trust Breaks Down
- CHAPTER 10: Let Your People Go
- No One Wants a Micromanager
- Give People Freedom of Choice
- Personal Responsibility
- CHAPTER 11: Lead from the Inside Out
- Leadership Begins When Something Grabs Hold of Us
- Clarity of Values Builds Solid Support
- CHAPTER 12: Forward-Looking Is a Leadership Prerequisite
- We’re Hostage to the Present
- Pay More Attention
- Explore Future Possibilities
- CHAPTER 13: It’s Not Just the Leader’s Vision
- You Have to See What Others See
- CHAPTER 14: Liberate the Leader in Everyone
- Leadership Is Learned
- CHAPTER 15: Leaders Are Followers, Too!
- We Follow a Process and Not a Person
- Leaders Follow
- You Don’t Have to Be the Leader to Lead
- CHAPTER 16: There’s Courage in All of Us
- Courage Is a State of Mind
- Everyone Has Moments of Courage
- CHAPTER 17: You Can’t Plan to Be Courageous, But You Can Choose It
- Conversation 1. Adversities
- Conversation 2. Fears
- Conversation 3. Suffering
- CHAPTER 18: It Takes Courage to Make a Life
- Lesson One: Little Acts Can Have Huge Impact
- Lesson Two: One Person Can Make a Difference
- Lesson Three: Courageous Acts Flow from Beliefs
- Rosa Parks Moments
- CHAPTER 19: The Courage to Be Human
- The Courage to Be Humble
- The Need for More Grace in the Workplace
- CHAPTER 20: Failure Is Always an Option
- Professionals Believe in Possibilities
- A Learning Curve Is Not a Straight Line
- CHAPTER 21: No Money-Back Guarantee
- Strengths Can Become Weaknesses
- So What Should We Do?
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 11914
- Útgáfuár : 2008
- Leyfi : 379