A Framework for Marketing Management, Global Edition

For graduate and undergraduate courses in marketing management. A Succinct Guide to 21st Century Marketing Management Framework for Marketing Management is a concise, streamlined version of Kotler and Keller’s 15th Edition of Marketing Management, a comprehensive look at marketing strategy. The book’s efficient coverage of current marketing management practices makes for a short yet thorough text that provides the perfect supplement for incorporated simulations, projects, and cases.
The 6th Edition approaches the topic of marketing from a current standpoint, focusing its information and strategy on the realities of 21st century marketing. Individuals, groups, and companies alike can modernize their marketing strategies to comply with 21st century standards by engaging in this succinct yet comprehensive text. The full text downloaded to your computer With eBooks you can: search for key concepts, words and phrases make highlights and notes as you study share your notes with friends eBooks are downloaded to your computer and accessible either offline through the Bookshelf (available as a free download), available online and also via the iPad and Android apps.
- Höfundar: Philip Kotler, Kevin Lane Keller
- Útgáfa:6
- Útgáfudagur: 2015-07-07
- Blaðsíður: 352
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:Page Fidelity
- ISBN 13: 9781292093154
- Print ISBN: 9781292093147
- ISBN 10: 1292093153
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Acknowledgments
- Contents
- Preface
- Part 1 Introduction to Marketing Management
- 1 Scope of Marketing for New Realities
- Marketing Management at Unilever
- The Value of Marketing
- The Scope of Marketing
- Core Marketing Concepts
- The New Marketing Realities
- Company Orientation Toward the Marketplace
- Updating The Four Ps
- Marketing Management Tasks
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 2 Marketing Strategies and Plans
- Marketing Management at Hewlett-Packard
- Marketing and Customer Value
- Corporate and Division Strategic Planning
- Business Unit Strategic Planning
- The Marketing Plan
- Marketing Implementation, Control, and Performance
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 3 Marketing Research and Analysis
- Marketing Management at Campbell Soup Company
- The Marketing Information System and Marketing Intelligence
- The Marketing Research System
- Forecasting and Demand Measurement
- Analyzing the Macroenvironment
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 4 Building Long-Term Customer Relationships
- Marketing Management at Pandora
- Building Customer Value, Satisfaction, and Loyalty
- Maximizing Customer Lifetime Value
- Cultivating Customer Relationships
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 5 Buying Dynamics of Consumers and Businesses
- Marketing Management at Cisco
- What Influences Consumer Behavior?
- Key Psychological Processes
- The Consumer Buying Decision Process
- What is Organizational Buying?
- Participants in the Business Buying Process
- Stages in the Business Buying Process
- Managing Business-to-Business Customer Relationships
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 6 Target Marketing
- Marketing Management at LinkedIn
- Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets
- Bases for Segmenting Business Markets
- Market Targeting
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 7 Competitive and Effective Brand Positioning
- Marketing Management at Burberry
- Developing and Establishing a Brand Positioning
- Competitive Strategies for Market Leaders
- Other Competitive Strategies
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 8 Branding and Core Business Growth
- Marketing Management at Gatorade
- How Does Branding Work?
- Defining Brand Equity
- Building Brand Equity
- Measuring and Managing Brand Equity
- Devising a Branding Strategy
- Customer Equity
- Driving Growth
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 9 Product Mix and New Offerings
- Marketing Management at Lexus
- Product Characteristics and Classifications
- Differentiation
- Product and Brand Relationships
- Packaging, Labeling, Warranties, and Guarantees
- Managing New Products
- The Consumer-Adoption Process
- Product Life-Cycle Marketing Strategies
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 10 Analyzing and Marketing Services
- Marketing Management at Emirates Airline
- The Nature of Services
- The New Services Realities
- Managing Service Quality
- Managing Product-Support Services
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 11 Concepts and Tools for Strategic Pricing
- Marketing Management at Ryanair
- Understanding Pricing
- Setting the Price
- Adapting the Price
- Initiating and Responding to Price Changes
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 12 Developing and Managing Strategic and Integrated Marketing Channels
- Marketing Management at IKEA
- Marketing Channels and Value Networks
- The Role of Marketing Channels
- Channel-Design Decisions
- Channel-Management Decisions
- Channel Integration and Systems
- E-Commerce and M-Commerce Marketing Practices
- Channel Conflict, Cooperation, and Competition
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 13 Managing Retailing, Wholesaling, and Logistics
- Marketing Management at Warby Parker
- Retailing
- Private Labels
- Wholesaling
- Market Logistics
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 14 Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications
- Marketing Management at Volkswagen
- The Role of Marketing Communications
- Developing Effective Communications
- Selecting the Marketing Communications Mix
- Managing the Integrated Marketing Communications Process
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 15 Managing Mass Communications: Advertising, Sales Promotions, Events and Experiences, and Public R
- Marketing Management at Procter & Gamble
- Developing and Managing an Advertising Program
- Sales Promotion
- Events and Experiences
- Public Relations
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 16 Managing Digital Communications: Online, Social Media, and Mobile
- Marketing Management at PepsiCo
- Online Marketing
- Social Media
- Word of Mouth
- Mobile Marketing
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 17 Managing Personal Communications: Direct and Database Marketing and Personal Selling
- Marketing Management at StarHub
- Direct Marketing
- Personal Selling and the Sales Force
- Managing the Sales Force
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- 18 Responsible Marketing in a Global Environment
- Marketing Management at Patagonia
- Competing On a Global Basis
- Internal Marketing
- Socially Responsible Marketing
- Executive Summary
- Notes
- A
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- T
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- Z
- A
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- A
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 5779
- Útgáfuár : 2015
- Leyfi : 380