3-d Negotiation

- ASK206F Samningatækni
When discussing being stuck in a "win-win vs. win-lose" debate, most negotiation books focus on face-to-face tactics. Yet, table tactics are only the "first dimension" of David A. Lax and James K. Sebenius' pathbreaking 3-D Negotiation (TM) approach, developed from their decades of doing deals and analyzing great dealmakers. Moves in their "second dimension"deal designsystematically unlock economic and noneconomic value by creatively structuring agreements.
But what sets the 3-D approach apart is its "third dimension": setup. Before showing up at a bargaining session, 3-D Negotiators ensure that the right parties have been approached, in the right sequence, to address the right interests, under the right expectations, and facing the right consequences of walking away if there is no deal. This new arsenal of moves away from the table often has the greatest impact on the negotiated outcome.
- Höfundar: David A. Lax, James K. Sebenius
- Útgáfudagur: 24-08-2006
- Hægt að prenta út 2 bls.
- Hægt að afrita 2 bls.
- Format:ePub
- ISBN 13: 9781422143445
- Print ISBN: 9781591397991
- ISBN 10: 1422143449
- Praise
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Part One - Overview
- Chapter One - Negotiate in Three Dimensions
- Negotiating in One Dimension
- The 3-D Negotiation Alternative
- The 3-D Focus on Deal Design
- The 3-D Focus on Setup
- Financing Staples: Getting the Scope and Sequence Right
- Creating and Claiming Value
- Not One Dimension, but Three Dimensions
- Chapter Two - Do a 3-D Audit of Barriers to Agreement
- LockStore: The 3-D Audit That Should Have Happened
- Assessing Setup Barriers
- Mapping All the Parties and Their No-Deal Options
- Assessing No-Deal Options
- Checking the Sequence and Process Choices
- Assessing Deal-Design Barriers
- Assessing Tactical and Interpersonal Barriers
- Two Cross-Cutting Barriers to Be on Guard Against
- Getting from Here to There
- Chapter Three - Craft a 3-D Strategy to Overcome the Barriers
- 3-D Strategy: The Basics
- Set Up the Right Negotiation
- Design Value-Creating Deals
- Stress Problem-Solving Tactics
- Putting It Together: Acquiring a Division
- A Few Concluding Thoughts
- Chapter One - Negotiate in Three Dimensions
- Chapter Four - Get All the Parties Right
- Sketching the All-Party Map: The Seven Key Questions
- Have You Included the Highest-Value Players?
- Have You Mapped All the Potentially Influential Players?
- Have You Included Those Involved in the Decision-Making and Governance Processes?
- Have You Mapped Influential Parties with the Wrong Incentives?
- Have You Anticipated Negotiations with Those Who Must Approve the Deal?
- Have You Considered Those Who Must Implement the Deal?
- Are There Too Many Parties?
- From Parties to Interests
- Chapter Five - Get All the Interests Right
- The Prime Directive: Make Mapping Interests a Central Priority, Early and Often
- Two More Directives: Big Mistakes to Avoid
- Four Practices That Help You Get Interests Right
- Staying Out of Psychological Traps
- Remedies
- Chapter Six - Get the No-Deal Options Right
- Determine If a Zone of Possible Agreement Exists
- Make Sure They Believe You Can Walk Away
- Protect Your No-Deal Options
- Under Very Special Circumstances, Consider Strategically Worsening Your No-Deal Option
- Analyze Each Side’s Best No-Deal Option to Determine the Potential Role for Negotiation
- The Power of No-Deal Options—and Your Understanding of Them
- Chapter Seven - Get the Sequence and Basic Process Choices Right
- Get the Sequence Right
- Get the Basic Process Choices Right
- Good Basic Process Choices Make for Good Negotiations
- Chapter Eight - Move “Northeast”
- “Moving Northeast” to Create Value
- Deal-Design Principle #1: Dovetail Differences to Create Value
- Deal-Design Principle #2: Maximize the Total Net Pie
- Some Words for the Skeptics
- The “Negotiator’s Dilemma”: Productively Managing the Creating/Claiming Tension
- Chapter Nine - Dovetail Differences
- Dovetailing Differences in Forecasts (or Beliefs About the Future)
- Dovetailing Differences in Attitudes Toward Risk
- Dovetailing Differences in Attitudes Toward Time
- Dovetailing Differences in Other Arenas
- Bringing It All Together: The Example of Structured Settlements
- Imagine a World . . .
- Chapter Ten - Make Lasting Deals
- Change Happens—and That’s Often a Good Thing
- Design Your Agreements to Accommodate Predictable Change
- “Multiplex” Agreements to Protect Against Likely Vulnerabilities
- Make “Insecure Contracts” Secure
- Chapter Eleven - Negotiate the Spirit of the Deal
- The Underlying Social Contract
- The Ongoing Social Contract
- The Social Contract: The Risk Factors
- Dovetailing the Social and Economic Contracts
- Common Misperceptions About the Social Contract
- Chapter Twelve - Shape Perceptions to Claim Value
- How to Prepare for a Price Deal
- Learn About the True ZOPA
- Focus on the Opportunity, Rather Than the Downside
- Set an Ambitious Target Price
- Should You Make the First Offer and, If So, at What Price?
- The Anchoring Effect
- Recognize and Use Key Steps of the Negotiation Dance
- Meta-Anchoring: Framing the Whole Negotiation
- Back to Creating and Claiming Value
- Chapter Thirteen - Solve Joint Problems to Create and Claim Value
- Ask, Listen, and Learn
- Divulge Information Strategically
- Foster an Appealing and Productive Negotiation Process
- Adopt a Persuasive Style
- Can You Write Their Victory Speech?
- Chapter Fourteen - Map Backward to Craft a 3-D Strategy
- Back to 1912: The Roosevelt Campaign and Moffett Studios
- Six Lessons/Reminders from the Moffett Studios Saga
- “Begin wich the End”: Backward Mapping to Develop a 3-D Strategy
- Chapter Fifteen - Think Strategically, Act Opportunistically
- AOL, Microsoft, and Netscape: Negotiating the Browser Wars
- Kennecott in Chile: Negotiating Expropriation
- Concord Pulp and Paper: An Unfolding 3-D Negotiation
- Concluding Thoughts
- The 3-D Negotiator: Creative Setup Architect, Insightful Deal Designer, Persuasive Tactician
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- Gerð : 208
- Höfundur : 8686
- Útgáfuár : 2006
- Leyfi : 379